Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 3 2018 | Page 264

The Prolonged Journey St Paul's Convent School, Sarkar, Manjori - 12 F ar away in an alp, there existed a monastery named the Thunderclap Monastery. It wasn’t any conventional monastery, it was home to the Omniscient Buddha! The Buddha sought for a believer from the Land of the East to come to the Western Continent, in order to retrieve the True Scriptures, the scriptures that were powerful enough to redeem the most sinful of sinners, these scriptures were named ‘Tripitaka’. Bodhisattva Guanyin, the Goddess of Mercy, volunteered to assist someone to accomplish the task.That someone was Xuan Zang. Tragically, Xuan Zang was the son of a young scholar, who was murdered by a ferryman. His mother would have committed suicide if she weren’t pregnant with him. Immediately after Xuan Zang was born, he was tied up to a plank of a boat with a blood-written message and was pushed into the river. Fortunately, the abbot of a temple spotted him and learned his tragic story through the letter. The abbot decided to adopt him and raise him as a monk. Growing up, Xuan Zang was unacquainted with his parentage. However at the age of 18, he encountered his mother, and devised plans to avenge his father’s murder. Upon knowing that the murderer was executed on the spot of murder, they noticed a body floating up the stream. It was Xuan Zang’s father! He happened to be rescued by the Dragon King of the River. His family was ultimately reunited. However, the overwhelming circumstances didn’t cease Xuan Zang’s devotion to Buddhism. Instead of moving back home, he was inclined to his religion and chose to be a monk. The news of this unconventional act of Xuan Zang’s dispersed all over China, it even came to Emperor Tang Taizong’s attention. Upon receiving the news, Tang Taizong dispatched three of his men to assign Xuan Zang to participate in the Grand Mass. Guanyin eavesdropped their conversation and considered recruiting Xuan Zang for the pilgrimage. Nonetheless, a pilgrim to the West independently, is virtually not worth considering. The Buddha wouldn’t entrust Boddhisattva Guanyin with such a vital role on his quest, if she actually left Xuan Zang alone with a countless number of lurking demons. Fortunately, she flew over the exact way Xuan Zang would have to take to India with her disciple, Moksa, to scrutinise the potential perils. The rivers, mountains and lands were in unfavourable conditions, with masses of demons. Therefore, she manipulated four demons to join forces with her beforehand. These legendary demons were Yulong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing and Sun Wukong. Throughout the course of the Grand Mass, Guanyin was observing Xuan Zang. Guanyin finally used the chance to openly recruit him when he was approaching the Emperor. Being recruited for such a paramount operation, was undoubtedly a golden opportunity for Xuan Zang, which embarked the Journey to the West. Now that the morally justified monk was recruited, the first priority of this operation would be assembling all the members together. After escaping a demon’s den with the help of a god called the Gold Star of Venus, Xuan Zang firstly encountered the Five Phases Mountain, the mountain where the Monkey King, Sun Wukong was trapped under for 500 years by the Buddha himself. Xuan Zang had to scale the mountain to take off the seal placed on top, so that Sun Wukong could completely disintegrate the mountain from inside to finally leave. Sun Wukong was an immortal, but impulsive, foolhardy and mischievous monkey who was notorious for not following the heaven’s rules, which is why the Buddha trapped him there to practice penance for 500 years in the first place. Guanyin simply manipulating him was surely not going to inhibit him from deserting