Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 3 2018 | Page 227

STOP ! Don ’ t let him escape ! We shall burn him ! I can ’ t feel my rapid breathing but I can feel the oxygen flooding my lungs . A mob of furious men holding weapons tail my tracks . Instantly , I took a sharp turn right into the protection of the wilderness . My eyes drift up to the night sky , as I hear the raging villagers voices drift off into the misty air . My feet sink into cold mushy grass as a tickling chill runs up my back as I shiver uncontrollably . I need fire . Seconds ago , shrieking at the sight of flames , now seeking for them . Suddenly , I stumble down a steep hill , and a bubbly atmosphere engulfs down away from the shining moonlight . I can ’ t hear the symphony of wind whistles and the chitter-chatters from the wilderness . My hair rises like seaweed upwards , rippling in the currents . I sink faster and panic hammers against my ribs . Gagging for air , I try screaming for help . When I can no longer hold my breath the cold water rushes in , and all illusions of survival vanish . I wake up only to realize I ’ m with others . Soon , excitement spreads through as they start muttering wildly in excitement . “ DoctorK . he ’ s awake !” a hirsute child exclaimed . “ Wonderful , a near drowner . So , where do you live ?” asked a monkey in a calm voice . He wore a crisp coat , and aged spectacles covered his eyes . “ I don ’ t understand …” I replied honestly . “ What ?” the doctor questioned curiously . “ I am a stray monkey and I need shelter ” I begged with wide eyes of sadness . It was as if rejection would crumple my life , and it would . He offers a hand , “ How about a tour around the city ?”, as I grasp gratefully . I perch on the highest peak as I gaze curiously around . The scenery was incredible . My mind whirled through a series of passageways as we dissolved into a dark alley . A glimpse explained everything . DoctorK . stumbled around and sweat flooded his coat . The streets wound over a hill like a carelessly discarded belt , grey and cracked with age . Buildings tower over the dim road , but this was no rural district . The absence of light demonstrated the scarcity of monkeys . Finally , I choke out , “ What is this ?” “ Our monkey king died recently ,” he choked out while holding tears back , “ died honorably .” My eyes watered , but nothing was said . “ This is our respect to the King . Soon we ’ ll find another one .” “ How ?” “ Whoever leaps over the sacred chasm will bequeath his position . There ’ s a silky gold shroud preserving the kings carcass . However , failure …” I reached out and squeezed his hand tightly . “ I ’ m going ”. “ No you can ’ t , it ’ s too dangerous . Not mentioning the medical condition you ’ re in .” “ I ’ m in charge of my own choices .” I sprint on the stony pathway , and charge up my momentum . When the sole of my feet connects , it kicks off aggressively . A strong gush sends my fur flustering when I ’ m at maximum altitude . However , a stitch tears apart as blood gurgles out like a faucet . I plummet downwards , and try floating upward by swinging my arms . I clench my teeth tightly , and manage to latch onto a pebble on the cliff . Forcing myself upwards , my grip loosens and I topple backwards lifelessly . I close my eyes . I expected heaven but there was only a chasm . My tail . It curls up around a twig as I spin ludicrously around , unleashing incredible momentum , I fly upwards over the ledge . The cave smelled ancient and along the sides were obscure Characters engraved into the wall as they blinked weakly . I tiptoed to the grave as if any noise will disturb his peaceful slumber . It was an extravagant case embroidered with vibrant colors , resembling a bold personality . I dropped down as I whisper , " I am honored .” I was the monkey king .
“ Not bad , Wukong ,” I teased .