Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 3 2018 | Page 188

“Damn it our comms are down!” said the Captain. The ship was lighting up on fire, burning up the engines and other important components of the ship. I realised that we were crash landing to a Neptune’s moon, Triton with all backup engines down. I took off the seat belt harness and dashed to the emergency escape to find a jet pack and an emergency spacesuit. “Everybody calm down!”. I said through the speaker, “Go to the exit and find some supplies for escape” I ascended the airlock and jumped out of the crate, hoping the crew would be alive down on Triton. Bang! The first door shot opened, as the captain dived down. Three other gliders parachuted down to the dwarf planet. My glider ricocheted into the atmosphere, drifted to the left and landed safely onto the surface. The others followed suite and landed beside. We were in the spacecraft, still with some oxygen remaining in the main peridium. “It appears that our engines have been glitched, empennage rear section of the body, violated, powerplant and propulsion devices,in deep need of repair...” “What?” asked Captain Urwrecked. “Wormhole generator, unscathed.” I muttered and obfuscated. “So,we can just go back?,” asked Victor. “Yes, but in doubt of our destination.” “Disregarding all the no man zones with no oxygen or other important elements essential for life?,” said Dalpar cynically. “Yes,” I answered fatally. “All comms down, we're stuck.” The Commanding officer, to my surprise remained calm and at peace. “So,” I asked, “What’s the play?” “I’ve always had a hunch about life on Triton,”Urwrecked solicited. “I think they might have what we need.” “So how do we find them?,” I inquired. “We don’t have to,” he answered, and indicated with his index finger, pointed to the incoming horde of goblin headed golems on screen. The strange creatures extended their solid rock hands, trying to force open the ship,yelling gibberish as they did so. “What the hell are they doing?” I asked. “Trying to break our ship, come on, let’s grab our guns and…” “I think they think we are intruders,” I interrupted.