Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 3 2018 | Page 17

One day, I stepped in to a garden and I saw many apples in it. I love apples so I ate them all. When I finished the last one, a witch appeared and she turned me into this monster! If you turn me back into normal, I will help you and show you the way to find the Nalanda.” Jane said “How can I help you?” The monster said “You need to find a wand first and look for the magic crystal. It can make dreams come true. I will hold the magic crystal and you will need to say the magic word in the crystal. Oh I almost forgot! The crystal is in the windy mountain over there. Good luck!” Jane and her friends went to the mountain easily but the mountain was very windy. Rainbow and Fire couldn’t fly up the mountain so they need to walk to the top of the mountain. They walked for hours but they still couldn’t get to the top. Jane was tired and she said “Let’s take a rest! I am too tired to walk!” They sat on the ground and drank much water. Rainbow tried to fly up to the sky and she stopped flapping her wing because of the strong wind! She was going to fall but she floated up in the air slowly! Rainbow screamed “The wind can bring you up to the top! Come quick!” Jane hopped on Rainbow and them three floated up to the top of the mountain together. They took the magic crystal and the wand next to it and flew back to the monster. “I can’t believe you are so fast. Others took days and they still couldn’t get up the mountain but you guys just took hours!” the monster said. Jane said “Now you take this crystal and I will say the magic word!” The monster took the crystal and Jane said “Return this monster to normal and never cause trouble again!” “Splash!” The monster turned into a bird and said “Thank you so much! I shall follow you and lead you to Nalanda, which the witch stole! But remember, the witch is very powerful with her special wand that belongs to the good wizard. She stole it from him long time ago and locked him into a cage. Here we go!” Jane followed her and they got in the palace. “Who sneaks into my palace? They shall be my slaves forever!” The evil witch screamed. Jane answered bravely “We are here to free Mr. Wizard and take back Nalanda! Also, that wand is not yours so please give it back to Mr. Wizard!” The witch laughed evilly and said “Never! I will never be defeated with this wand!” She said a spell and made Fire a snake! Fire told Jane quietly “The sword you used to slay the dragon is full of her powers! You can use that to fight with the witch! Remember that you can do it!” Jane felt confident of her friends’ encouragement. She stood up with the sword and said “I can defeat the evil witch!” Jane held the sword and pointed it at the witch. The witch was not afraid and she cast a magic spell! Jane reflexed the spell using the sword and the witch dropped the wand. Mr. Wizard ran to the wand and grabbed it back. Finally, the witch was defeated and Jane returned Nalanda to Xuanzang. Xuanzang said “Thank you. Say goodbye to your friends too because you may never see them again. Here are the adventures you’ve grew through. I’ve putted it into this book. Now, you really must return to your world.” Jane hugged Rainbow, Fire and bird. She held tight to the book from Xuanzang and she fell into sleep. Jane woke up and she found out she was in her bed! She was shocked and she looked everywhere. A book caught her eye and she saw the cover of it, it said “The brave girl and the Nalanda”. It even had her photo on it. She found out she had strength and she was strong. She could run really fast and do almost everything. She picked up the book and read the last sentence “ The girl named Jane was granted strength and special power by what she have done for The West -- our unknown world that’s waiting to be discovered.”