Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 3 2018 | Page 14

New Journey to the West
Carmel Pak U Secondary School , Leung , Wai Chung - 13

Above the sky , four people are talking in the floating cloud . “ Teacher , where are we going to ?” said one of them , who was fat like a pig , “ Is there any thing to eat ?” A monkey hit him with a great punch , and said , “ You stupid pig ! Don ’ t always think about food ! You have just eaten ten buns , sixteen bananas , twelve peaches and five enormous pears !” “ And also drunk seven bottles of wines !” continued a friar , who was carrying a lot of things . “ Stop arguing ! According to the order from the king of God , we will go to AD2017 ,” said a monk who was riding on a white horse .

They are the team who had went to borrow the scripture from the West before . The monk riding on a white horse was Xuanzhuang . The monkey was the Monkey King . The pig was Zhubajie and the friar was Shawujing . They were going to find the secrets to how people from the future could keep themselves cool in the summer . The problem of global warming in the heaven was very serious — heaven was even as hot as hell !
They stopped talking and walked toward a large , colourful cloud . They stepped on the cloud , looking at the place far away . They had never been to the future . Though they had been immortals for a long time , curiosity and nervousness still filled their heart . The monk was still reciting the scripture . The monkey was telling the horse that not to worry about the trip . The pig kept eating his hidden snacks . And the friar was checking his suitcase and the passport . Just in a short time , the sky changed its color and a large crack appeared in front of them . The cloud directly rushed into the crack . Everything became silent again , except for a pair of red eyes still staring there in some brushes nearby .
When they arrived , all of them had turned into normal people , wearing some fashionable clothes . “ According to my golden eyes , this is a place called Hong Kong ,” said the Monkey King . “ Let ’ s walk around ,” said the white horse , who had already turned into a human . At a large shopping mall , they saw lots of shops selling the electric appliances . One of the banner wrote , “ Special discount on air-con !” They walked into that shop . “ What evildoer is here ? Teacher , do you feel that there is some cold wind blowing ?” asked Monkey King , trying to take out his weapon from his ear , “ Arm yourselves , guys . The wind is blowing out from The white boxes above .” Everybody , except the monk , took out their weapons and rushed into the boxes . However , Monkey King felt something was grabbing his collar . “ You evildoer ! I need to get rid of you for the people today !” yelled the Monkey King , swinging the golden cudgel to the back , but suddenly his head felt painful and his cudgel dropped . Monkey King asked confusedly , “ Teacher , are you crazy ? Why did you grab me and speak the magic spell ?” “ You absolutely misunderstood my meaning . This white box is called air-conditioner , not ‘ evildoer ’. The salesman has explained it to me ,” replied Xuanzhuang , taking a leaflet introducing the appliances , “ Let me show you .” He took out a remote control and pressed a button . The wing of the air-con started swinging . “ Em ... It ’ s very cool everywhere . Is this the secret to coolness ?” asked Shawujing ,” Do we need to buy ...”
“ I think we can buy it after having lunch ,” interrupted Zhubajie , staring at the golden “ M ” nearby . “ Ok ,” said the monk , and stopped the monkey , who wanted to punch the pig . They walked into the shop , which had a large “ M ” on the wall . After they studied how to order the food on the self-order kiosk for 10 minutes , they finally ordered 4 “ My signature ” burgers — of course , all vegetarian food . Monkey King picked a piece of hair from his head , and blew . The hair disappeared into a credit card !
While they were eating , the pig was staring at the ice-cream on a child ’ s hand . “ Be more polite ! Don ’ t stare at other ’ s food !” scolded the monkey quietly . “ Ok ! Ok ! Ouch ! My tummy is painful ! I think I need to go to the toilet !” moaned the pig distressfully . And he left the table . He walked toward the ice-cream cashier , took out the credit card he stole from the monkey and purchased a twist cone . However , he was afraid to eat it as its shape looked like a piece of poop . Therefore , he took it back to the table . Five guys surrounded the ice-cream and decided to play paper-scissors-stone . The one who lost the game tried it . Soon there was a result : the pig had a chance to taste it . Four guys opened their eyes as big as possible , watching him . The pig closed his eyes and took out his tongue towards the cone . “... Delicious !!!” shouted the pig . “ Really ?” said the monkey doubtfully , grabbed the ice-cream and savoured it , and shouted , “ Cool !” The monk also tried it and said , “ Maybe this is another cool secret . Let me write that down : icecream .”