Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 3 2018 | Page 116

The Room Was Quiet Harrow International School, Shanghai, Qian, Flora - 11 T he room was quiet, the only thing that could be here is pencil scratching paper. There isn’t even clock in this room. 
A boy in grey shirt is sitting in the middle of the room, scribbling something down on the paper. Minute after minute, when it’s six a-clock, a voice of a servant comes from outside the room: “Link it’s time for dinner!” Link stops writing, he stand up, push the chair back and walk outside. Link White is the fifth children of the White family. The white family is one of the riches family in the city. The householder of the the White family―Taylor White was married twice. The first wife given him two children. After she passed away, Mr White married the daughter of the house holder of another rich family―Taya Jande. Link White was the third children of Mrs White. He didn’t talk much, so there’s nobody in the family care about him, the only one that will still talk to him is the servant that call him downstairs to eat. Link finish his dinner in 30 minutes, while thinking about his past. When he was six, he saw how his two brothers make accidents to make the leg of the ex-Mrs White’s daughter broke, just because she got high score in her test. She stay in the hospital for 3 months because of that. From that on, he knew that if he shows to much talent, he would probably get the same result as his sister, so that’s why he don’t talk much, so his brothers wouldn’t pay any attention on him, and then he will be safe. Nothing happen these year, since he was so miserable, his brother wouldn’t have to worry about him getting the heritage, that’s how he gets to grow up safely. Link decide that after he was 18, he will move out of the white family, move out of this city, and live a normal life. Just at the thought of it, suddenly a dizziness comes over him. Link try’s to keep consciousness, but his’s sight gradually turn black, Link fainted. Link wake up in a strange room. He look around, he was in some kind of room, certainly not one at his house, because he’v seen them all, and he haven’t notice anyone similar to this. “Are you ok? I woke up in this place and I’m frighten too.” Suddenly a voice came from beside Link, sounding like someone his age. Link jump up and turn around, there’s a boy with T-shirts and shorts sitting there. Link stare at him, didn’t say a thing. 
“My name is Arcas, what’s your name?” when the boy saw Link turn around, a smile appears on his face. 
Link still didn’t say any thing, from his experience, everyone around him is up to something, Link doesn’t really believe the boy is not one of them. There’s a awkward silence between them. 
“Whoever’s in this room now get out at once!” Before Arcas gets to say any thing, there’s a bang on the door of this room. 
Link roll his eyes and walk to the door, open it before the people outside gets to hit it again. There stands another kid his age, around 13, looking really unpleasant. 
“What in the world are you two doing inside? Don’t you know that everyone is waiting for you?” The as soon as Link open the door, the kid just started talking like some kind of eighty-year old woman. 
Link stands there for a second, then he decided to close the door in front of the nose of that kid, and lock him outside. 
The kid stop for a second, not expecting what’s going on, then he start hitting the door even harder. “Let’s go out, John Doe, he says there’s more people outside, let’s go join them.” Said Arcas, while grabbing Link’s hand and trying to bring him back to the door. “I’m not called John Doe.” Reply Link, he pull his hand out of Arcas’s hand and walk to the door by himself.