Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 3 2018 | Page 389

You know that defeating Makara always involves a sacrifice . I can ’ t help it . I keep repeating what Xuanzang said as I drive the sword into Makara ’ s forehead with my remaining strength , which isn ’ t a lot . You know that defeating Makara always involves a sacrifice . I ’ ve decided that , even without energy , I ’ ll still slay Makara . I need to protect humanity . You know that defeating Makara always involves a sacrifice .
Part of me wants to argue back and say that he was wrong , nobody needed to die , but part of me knew he ’ s right . Like always . Just like he said , there ’ s no point arguing . I do know that defeating Makara always involves a sacrifice . The deeper I drive the sword , the more Makara struggles against me . It bucks and kicks and swings and spins , but I still held on against all odds . Defeating Makara always involves a sacrifice . Suddenly , Makara stopped struggling . He seemed to settle down . He seemed to just lie down on the ocean floor . Forever . Relaxing on the seabed . Just when I drove the sword deep enough for it to puncture the brain , Makara jerked up abruptly and bucked with his remaining energy . Defeating Makara always involves a sacrifice , even when you don ’ t believe it ’ s necessary . I couldn ’ t hold on any longer . I let go .
I sank deeper ,
deeper ,
deeper .
Flowing calmly to the ocean floor .
Dead . Finally . After all those millennia of living … Finally dead . Well , not necessarily dead . More similar to , dying . Am I right ? Drowning to the bottom of the ocean , slowly choking and running out of breath . Ahh ! What a wonderful way to die . Gradually , you ’ ll get accustomed to inhaling sea water , and possibly , even enjoy it ! If you didn ’ t catch that , it was sarcasm .
You know how people say their life flashes right before their eyes right before they die ? Well … it doesn ’ t exactly happen for me . Or maybe because I ’ m not born a mortal , I don ’ t die a mortal death . Depressing , as how no one ever expected the great god of mischief , captain of the monkey army to pass away like this .
Oh , wow ! Xuanzang is still shouting , trying to find me ! I ’ ve expected him to give up already . I guess , learning focus from a monk , forces a monk to learn resilience and grit from me .
Stop . It ’ s no good , I mentally assure him . I ’ ve died to do a heroic deed and that ’ s all I need . Hey ! That rhymes by the way !
“ NO ! This is life ! And death ! How can you still joke around , let alone think of rhymes in a situation like this ?!” He shouted . “ You ’ ve h-helped me s-s-so much … You d-don ’ t d-deserve th-this ! I ’ ll-I ’ ll make them p-pay !” His speech softened into a whisper . Tears streamed down his face as his knees buckled . He fell against the rails , his body wracked by sobs . He stared into the distance , the blood draining from his cheeks , the color fading from his eyes . He let out a wordless cry , awakening every soul in the heavens .
“ That you would be dead …” His voice trailed away . He didn ’ t think that it was possible to cry so much , reliving all he had been through in his mind .
Xuanzang . Xuanzang . I said , shaking him from his stupor . No . Don ’ t cry . At least I ’ ve slain Makara . And it ’ s not life and death anymore , for I ’ ve chosen death . It ’ ll only be a few minutes before my heart stops beating , my blood stops flowing , my lungs stop inhaling , my brain stops functioning , and my soul stops existing . I ’ ve been cast down as a mortal for a reason , Xuanzang . To aid you to success . Even if I die along the way , at least I ’ ve pleased the gods . Now go . Stay in Djibouti for another 2 days before sailing to Egypt . My spirit will aid you against the odds one last time . One last time , for you to finish your journey to the west .
Xuanzang half-hiccupped , half-sobbed , “ V-very well . I-I trust you . You will be the best Monkey King there ever was .”
As he sailed away , he stared at the spot I leaped , attacked , killed , and died . He would not look away . He would allow all the guilt , all the grief , all the anger , all the desolation to flow over him . He would accept fate . Just like I taught him to .