Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 3 2018 | Page 133

The Real Distance Between Friends
Harrow International School , Shanghai , Yeung , Hoi Shun - 12
Chapter 1

J aclyn and Audrey had always been super close friends since they were very young . They met on the first day of school , and shortly after a few months , they became inseparable . They found out that both of them had a lot in common . Jaclyn and Audrey stuck together all the time , especially on the bus . They played together in almost every recess , they sat together every lunch break , and they had tons of playdates whenever they had free time ——— almost once or twice a week ! They would talk about all sorts of different topics , share all secrets , do weird things that people will never understand , and sometimes even use their “ telepathic powers ” to communicate . They were very supportive and respectful to each other . They know that they can count on each other all the time , and that they can trust each other with their top secrets . People were so used to seeing Jaclyn and Audrey together that they get confused when only one of them shows up . People also thought that they spent way too much time together but it was never enough for them !

Whenever Jaclyn had anything she thought was interesting , she would always show it to Audrey . And whenever Audrey had anything she thought was interesting , she would always show it to Jaclyn . They were so close that they were like siblings , and had nothing to hide from each other .
One day though , Audrey told Jaclyn that she had to leave to another city . Jaclyn thought that things would never be the same again …
Chapter 2
Audrey was leaving to Hong Kong the next day , and will not come back to Shanghai anymore . She will be staying in Hong Kong for at least 7 years . After hearing this news , Jaclyn felt hopeless , and she was very , very upset .
She thought that they would never be able to go to school together like before and that there would never be anyone else like Audrey . She thought that there was never going to be anyone to sit with her on the very front of the bus and play with miniatures , she thought that she will never have playdates with someone that lived so close to her , she thought that she would never find anyone else that had so much in common with her , she thought … She felt like as if a huge part of her was missing , but she can ’ t do anything to fix it .
Every time she thought about it she would feel heartsick . Chapter 3
That night , Jaclyn went home with a heavy heart . She walked into her house and her parents greeted her and asked her how her day was , but she ignored them , went straight to her bedroom and locked her door up . She tossed her bag on the floor and threw herself on to her bed . She grabbed a pillow and buried her face into it . As soon as the first tear got out of her eyes , all the rest followed like an endless stream . Her whole body was shaking , and she sobbed into her pillow unceasingly , hands clutching at the edges of her pillow . The sobbing softened as her tears slowly soaked her pillow . She cried to herself the whole night until she had no more energy to cry anymore and finally fell asleep .
Chapter 4
Jaclyn woke up the next day with swollen eyes . Although she didn ’ t feel like crying anymore , she still felt acrimony and already missed Audrey . She asked if she could skip school that day , but her parents said no . So she got through her morning routine and went downstairs to wait for the bus .