Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 2020complete | Page 96

At the moment Charlie blinked, he and Ming were once back to the house’s attic in the present Guangzhou. After returning to Hong Kong, Charlie told everyone at school about his adventure with Ming. The Island School Blog even posted an article about it. Charlie’s friends were amazed with what they had experienced. On the other hand, Ming thought that he had seen Sofia around before. He also thought that his sister, Lily, looked like Sofia. From Sofia’s words as he remembered, she described her mum as a very kind and humble person, just like Lily. After a long time of thinking about all these, Ming knew why he felt this. As Sofia is from the future, and maybe Lily is Sofia’s mum! After Sofia returned home, she told her family about the whole adventure. They all appreciated that Sofia had let Ms Zhang-Lopes keep the treasure. Sofia kept thinking about Ming and Charlie. She asked herself a lot of questions. Where are they from? How could they disappear just like that? ... That night, she still thought about the boys. She felt a bond between them. Sofia thought that Ming looked familiar. While looking at her mum’s old photos, she saw Ming inside one of them! After a long thought, she figured out that Ming was her uncle and her mum’s brother!