Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 2020complete | Page 583

Future Adventures of The Greater Bay Area Yew Chung International School Secondary, Xiao, Sheunghuan - 16 The local government of Guangdong Province held several conferences which they had talked about the plans to form The Greater Bay Area. They all agreed that the Greater Bay Area needed to be more environmentally friendly as there were some coastal cities, The cities would get flooded if global warming wasn’t solved. Week long conferences, like eternal days, stretched through the local government's plans as they discussed the future of The Greater Bay Area. It was agreed that the greener the area the better, as the coastal cities that were the jewels of the area, were in great danger of flooding. There were several decisions made to improve environmental issues, they all decided to close down the coal power plant and replace it with nuclear power plant in all of the Greater Bay Area, to the Greater Bay Area, the carbon dioxide was like a devil and the devil was creating greenhouse gas to destroy the Greater Bay Area by melting the North Pole to rise the sea level and flood the coastal cities. In order to do this properly, the government of Guangdong Province tried to talk to the government of Hong Kong. Billy was still a coal power plant worker in Hong Kong. He read some news about The Greater Bay Area. He saw that the government was deciding to close down coal power plants and replace them with nuclear power plants. Billy was agitated to work at a nuclear power plant, even though he would get tonnes of pressure because of responsibility, but the greater the responsibility, the more important he was. This was because working in the nuclear power plant didn’t allow for any misoperations. This was another day that Billy was working in a coal power plant. Billy was at the bus station, the bus arrived at the station with rolling smoke rising into the air. The smoke quickly diffused to the surroundings, if you looked at the back of the bus, the back of the bus was like being painted with gray ink, as the exhaust pipe was set behind the vehicle. The smoke rises up the sky, the sky looked gray. After arriving at the Star Ferry Pier, Billy caught a ferry to the power plant. “Good morning Billy”, said one of the workers. “Good morning, is there any special things we need to do for today’s work?” “No, I think today is as normal as other days.” Billy went back to his post, he worked in the operation room to put the coals into the furnace to generate electricity. After hard work all morning, he had lunch at noon. After lunch, he decided to take a walk around the power plant. He looked at the sky, it was almost being dyed by the black color, which he couldn't even see the sky above. He walked to the roof of the power plant where he could look further, the visibility was almost less than a kilometer. When it was time to go off work, the sky was terribly dark, maybe because of the reason that a lot of coal was being burned by the power plant, so there was a lot of smoke being released from the power plant. But, on the other hand, a lot of electricity was being produced to serve the whole city. Billy arrived at his home after a tiring work all day, he turned on his TV, there was an advertising about the importance of conserving tropical rainforest. The scene displayed on the TV showed a dark age of the tropical rainforest, the workers used the giant machinery to wash away the emaciated trees, animals lived in were so tiny as they ran away, sometimes they burnt the tropical rainforest to save time as this was more efficient, time was a precious thing to loggers. If the loggers could spend less time in clearing one place of the tropical rainforest, they could use that time to clear rainforest somewhere else. The rainforest, on the other hand, didn’t escape from the poisonous hand of the loggers, which had been changed from a beautiful place to a hall. There was one size of a football pitch of rainforest lost every second as a result. *** In order to find more information about climate change, the local government of the Guangdong Prince decided to run an expedition to the North Pole to find more information about climate change. A few days later, a group of explorers departed from China to the North Pole. They were asked to search