Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 2020complete | Page 470

The Greater Bay Area Shanghai Singapore International School, Tan, Ern Claire - 14 Dear Cally, I am going to move to Macau soon, we just heard that the Chinese government wants to integrate Hong Kong, Macau and 9 southern Mainland Chinese cities, including the city that we are moving to now, to become one huge megacity that will be the hub of innovation and economic growth. They are planning to call this plan ‘The Greater Bay Area’ I am very excited for this plan to proceed. Imagine all the things that will happen here since it will be the hub for innovation and economics. All the newest things will be released here, the newest technology, the newest fashion, the newest trends, the newest movies, the newest of everything, everything will be released here. It will be like the second Hollywood. There will be tall skyscrapers, and big malls. And everyone will want to come here. There will be people from all countries and all regions, except from Antarctica of course. It will be so diverse. There will be so many concerts and plays. Everyone will want to perform here. Transport will be so easy, there is already a bridge between Hong Kong and Macau, and a high speed railway between Mainland China and Hong Kong. It’s like everywhere is connected together, just like spider webs. There might even be many airports here, and even one specific to this area, and a few international airports ranging around the area. My parents decided to move here because the economy here should be good and getting better. If they work here, then the chances of them losing a job would be lower. When they made this decision, they were also thinking about me and my brothers. They thought, the schools here would be better than most places because it is more developed, so they moved us here. They also thought that it would be good for us to experience living in the city instead of always living in the suburbs. They also thought that this place would be more diverse because everyone from all around the world wants to live here. Therefore, we could get exposure to different cultures from all around the world. For example, we could eat food from different countries, talk with people from different countries, understand their culture, and most of all make new friends. Even though it would be very diverse, the cultural mix would mainly include the cultures of Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China. What I am also very excited for is that there will be many skyscrapers. I have always loved skyscrapers since I was a young child, the idea of there being something so big and so tall, look so good on the outside and yet so safe, and keep so many people inside have always made me agitated. When all these skyscrapers get built I want to visit every. Single. one of them, and that will be my new bucket list. School is an interesting topic in a place like this, there would be more people, more students, and therefore more schools. In a place like this you would think that school would be good right, but this is very unpredictable. There will be a range of good and bad schools, for all people, even special needs, another reason why living in GBA is good. But some negative impacts of living in the city would include having a very dense population, therefore, bad traffic which means that there would also be more car accidents that would make this place a dangerous place on the road. But, is this place safe? It should be right? I am sure my parents considered this aspect before moving us here. In such a big city there should also have a lot of traffic police considering of how developed this place is. If there are more people would people also want to pick pocket and steal? They would right especially in places with very dense population, they see a chance and they use it to pick pocket and steal. With this we need to be more careful with our belongings, and we need to be more responsible, and watch our belongings at all times. Something all the cities in the ‘Greater Bay Area’ has in common is that most of the citizens speak Cantonese. Therefore, ‘Greater Bay Area can be called ‘Cantonesion’ to emphasize the number of people speaking Cantonese in this area. They might even put Cantonese as part of the school curriculum. Hope you can come visit soon, we could do many fun activities together, like watching movies, going to amusement parks, etc. And hopefully this plan will be finished soon so that all these good things will happen soon. Best Wishes, Your friend.