Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 2020complete | Page 409

Deception 2067: Invasion Greater Bay Harrow International School Hong Kong, Richardson, Siena - 12 Rosa Jacobs woke to a room full of screams and bloody, dead people. All she could remember was that someone or something took a baton in their hands and hit her extremely hard. Feeling dizzy she had a craving to feel a liquid in her mouth. Rosa realised she had a piece of metal lodged into her side. She slowly got up and winced with pain, the throbbing injury slowly turned into agony. Rosa saw a shattered window at the end of the corridor and hauled herself up to walk closer to it partially slipping on gooey, blue alien blood. From above, blaster noises could be heard. Rosa guessed it was from the stairwell. She peered out the window, 60 floors down, aliens were crowding the bare streets, shooting the civilians of Skyscraper City, making them fall to the ground. She spotted the nearest staircase in the corner of her floor level, then limped towards the well of stairs and descended with deliberate precision. An alien came into view. Rosa scooped a blaster from a dead corpse and shot the unusual creature right through the stomach and continued down the stair well. When she reached the ground floor and pushed the door wide open, Rosa heard a blaster shot and a scream. Rosa looked around to see who it was, then she realised it was her. Rosa turned her head around and saw steam coming from her shoulder, she looked further down, there was a deep hole, a bullet had pierced her skin. Rosa turned around vigorously, to see her enemy. The alien fired again and again. A rush of adrenalin allowed Rosa to dodge the blaster bullets, feeling some graze her skin. She slowly approached the alien, Rosa slashed her legs under it and the green monster fell. Rosa threw a strong punch, but it was intercepted by it’s hand, whereby it caught her fist. It twisted her arm and she started to scream as the agony jolted through her veins. With her other hand, she grabbed the alien’s shoulder and pushed it down under her weight. The alien’s hold softened as it was crushed underneath her. Rosa, with her feet, dragged a blaster towards her on the floor, grabbed it and shot the alien in the forehead. The gooey blooded creature collapsed in front of Rosa, it’s blue blood oozed out of his forehead, slowly making it to the ground. Rosa ripped a strip from her t-shirt and pressed the wound on her shoulder stopping the blood streaming down her body. Rosa spun, gazing around at the outside scenery with her eyes, zooming hovercars patrolled the streets overhead and sirens wailed with the colour of blue and red. A crimson antigravity car pulled up by the office building. A loud voice echoed around her. “Get in, or you might die!” Rosa recognised that voice. “Hurry up. I haven’t got all day!” She swung the car door open and the man inside was Felix. Her memory flicked back to the time when they were both in the Greater Bay Paramilitary Training School. As Rosa collapsed in the black leather front seat, all the air was whiffed out of her lungs, she reached for the door and slammed it shut. Felix started the automobiles engines and sped out of the avenue. They both stared out of the front window screen, in silence. Finally, Felix turned his head around and glanced at Rosa, he peered at her deep blue eyes. “Almost got yourself killed, huh?” He said glaring at her wound. Rosa shrugged her shoulders and squealed with pain. “Where are we going?” Rosa asked, realising that the scenery had changed around them. Tall, dark buildings came into view, poor peasants warming their hands over scrap can fires. The fires lambent light stole away the velvet-black shadows dancing on the walls of the towering superstructures. Felix recognised the look in Rosa’s eyes. “Not everyone lives in the luxurious part of the city.”