Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 2020complete | Page 210

Future Adventures of the Greater Bay Area PLK HKTA Yuen Yuen Primary School, Yeung, Hayley – 10 Celia Brown was a cheerful and adventurous girl who loved to discover new islands, climb the tallest mountains and swim in the deepest oceans. She always wore a short dark blue shirt and short purple shorts. She always had a high ponytail on her head to not let her get hot during her travels and she carried a small,simple,colourful and waterproof backpack to keep her things inside including her camera, notebook, jacket and binoculars. Celia had a special power,she could kick and punch anyone in a flash! She could defeat anyone in her way. There was a hidden island located in the Greater Bay Area which had beautiful beaches, long rivers and busy roads until the government I developed more electronics to make the country a better place which turned the once beautiful Tropical Paradise to the modern Electron Island. There were flying transportation, big factories that developed more tech and food machines that can make any food in the world without the effort of people! Celia would really love to explore the island but she needed to know how to get there. As she found that the island was located on an unknown part of the Greater Bay Area. She rode a tiny ship which had a fisherman who knew where the island was. When she got to the silvery, tech island, she saw some sad people walking around. Celia asked curiously, “What is going on here? Why are you sad?” “We are sad because the technology here is still spreading by the virus. It got inside the government and is now taking over our island by turning here into a technical island! We are now trapped here where we cannot be free with our lives. ” said a woman. As Celia heard about this, she was upset about what happened on this island. She wanted to figure out how to turn this island back to normal. First, she went to check the security cameras in the control room in the government office. It was blocked by an electrical gate with soldiers guarding it so trespassers won’t go inside. Celia wanted to get over but there was almost no chance of getting over it so she had to get behind it. She secretly went behind it and climbed over the gate without making a sound. She went in the control room and saw some security people watching the cameras. She went over to them and punched both of them hardly. They both fell on the floor and she sat on a chair to look at the cameras when all of these troubles happened. When the woman said that the virus got in the government, it meant that the virus actually got inside the office! Celia saw the people got under control of the virus. The virus said in an evil voice, “I am your worst nightmare, the virus! I will control this island then the entire world! You shall listen to what I say and help me conquer this island! For my first command, you have to turn this island into a tech wonderland! Make my island, my servants!” First, Celia went to the virus’ office and saw the virus. There were machines, computers and lots of important people who were controlled by the virus working. Celia said, “Hey you virus! Stop doing this!” “What are you going to do about it? I’m an unbeatable virus so no one can stop me!”said the virus. Celia saw some weapons on a table and took them. She had a big fight with the virus. But no matter how hard she does to attack the virus, there was nothing she could do. She tried shooting a bullet at him but went through his slimy belly leaving no scare nor hole behind. “Ha! Told you that you can’t stop me! Now leave!” Celia left but knew that she would meet the virus again. After a few hours, she saw the virus hypnotising some village people into his control. “You again?!”said Celia. “You girl! I told you to leave! Now we’ll fight again! You have no chance of beating me!”said the virus. Celia and the virus fought again but this time, Celia took out her weapons to fight with. The virus zigzagged his way out as Celia threw her weapons at him, or it… But Celia was so tired that she couldn’t keep fighting so she failed. “This is not the end of the tech era! If you want to save the island and the world, let’s have our last fight at midnight on top of the Ice Mountain. If you win, then I will fade away and well, maybe come back for