Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 2020complete | Page 192

Future Adventures of the Greater Bay Area PLK HKTA Yuen Yuen Primary School, Lee, Louis Shing Kwan - 10 I am Stacy, a wonderful cave explorer. I once went to an extraordinary land called the Greater Bay. Let me tell you all my adventures over there……. One day, while I was exploring in a cave, I saw beams of light appearing in the corner of a hollow pit. I was amused by the gleams of light. I stepped one step closer to the light and every step I got closer, it feels like it was pulling me to it. Then the light transformed into a ball of light. As I reached the ball, it poured steam on me and I just vanished. To another place far far away. “Swoosh!” I was transported to an unknown world. I scanned the terrain and saw a plain grassland with strong horses galloping pridefully across the plain. A wooden sign appeared in front of me and I read it allowed “Greater Bay Area, do not cross.” Well, seriously, I don’t really care about that, so I walked across the sign. “Swoosh!” I was reflected and bumped on the ground. Actually, there was a blue net surrounding the area. As you guys also know I am also very good at solving problems (duh). I grabbed my pickaxe and tied my rope to it. I swung it to the air and “Bang!” it landed on the net. I pulled myself up and leaped through. Seriously, what was this net for? For blocking invaders? I kept on walking after days and days of walking, I start to feel no hope, cause, I really wanted to go home but I don’t know how. Until I met something really strange, something that I've never seen back in my homeland. A humongous sphere fell in front of me. At first, it was coming down super quick, but then, it kinda slowed down. I felt so strange, usually it should get faster and faster and leaving a crater, but to my surprise, it landed with a hiss and came out an old man and a lady. “ Ta-da!” the old man spoke to the lady with excitement. “ Why are you taking me here?” said the lady grumpily As they are talking, I walked over and asked “Excuse me, do you know how to get to America?” They exchanged sights and asked curiously. “ Then what on earth are you doing here ? If you need to go to America, you should take the hyperspace-rail.” I asked them the way to the hyper-space rail station. But they said that the only hyper-space rail station is on the other side of the greater bay area. Oh no! It’s going to take centuries to walk over the whole area. I quickly thanked them and start to travel to the station. I traveled to many cities like Hong Kong, ShenZhen and many others. And until about 3 months later( I think ) I finally arrived there, I quickly darted to the entrance I was so proud of myself, I even fell tears, but my happiness didn’t last long. In front of the entrance, there’s a hologram and there’s a message saying : Hyper-space rail out of service, sorry for your inconvenience. I was angry, no, I was MAD, no, I was FURIOUS! I felt streams of lava rushing through my body. It felt like I was an active volcano in Pompeii, ready to burst anytime. Just then, an officer came out from the station, when I saw him I charged to him like a bull and blamed him about how long did I travel here and then It’s out of service! How dare they! “Whoa! Whoa! Calm down young girl!” the officer exclaimed. “Actually, we are out of materials! Few days before our Hyper-space portal was out of service because our portal ran out of fuel!” the officer explained. “ I could help a little if the fuel is in a cave, ‘cause I’m a miner(sort of).” I said embarrassed from shouting at the officer.