Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 2020complete | Page 183

Future Adventures of the Greater Bay Area PLK HKTA Yuen Yuen Primary School, Jung, Hazel Hoi Tung - 9 On a bright, sunny day, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and there wasn’t a single cloud in the sky. John was happily slurping a popsicle, when the phone suddenly rang. ‘RING! RING!’ the telephone shrieked. John accidentally dropped his popsicle and angrily stomped to pick up the phone. ‘Hello?’ He grunted grudgingly. ‘Hey, is this John? It’s me, Amara, your boss. We’ve got an important mission for you.’ John, slightly intrigued, asked,’What is it..?’ Amaya whispered,’Listen closely..We need you and your friends to travel to the future, to find more about this place called Greater Bay.’ John said loyally,‘Definitely, boss! I will call my team over to my house now.’ He hung up on Amaya, and quickly called the twins, Emily and Erica. ‘Hello?’ John asked,’Is this Emily and Erica? Boss just called me and assigned us a mission.’ Emily and Erica happily chirped over the phone,‘We’re on it! What’s the mission?’ After John explained everything to the ecstatic twins, they drove their blue motorcycle to John’s mansion. After Emily and Erica arrived, John locked the door behind them and opened the secret safe to his amazing time-travelling machine. The trio squished into the narrow time-travelling box, as John typed: ‘To: 2028.’ Suddenly, a wicked wind blew through the time-travelling machine, and in a moment, they were brought into a whole new world. As John, Emily and Erica clambered out of the time-travelling machine, they couldn’t believe what was before their eyes. They stared at tall, straight hotels, big, expensive cars, and tasty, exotic foods. They all gasped,’Woooooow!’. They all stood there until Emily pointed out,’We can’t just stand here all night, let’s get a hotel to sleep in.’ As they looked around for a taxi, not a taxi was in sight. John sighed,’ The people here are so rich, they don’t need taxis, they drive their own cars.’ So, they all wasted their time using their GPS to find the nearest hotel. When John finally arrived at the Vurika Hotel and checked in, Erica and Emily flopped down onto the lumpy bed and sighed happily,’Ahh….We are finally here!’ But little did they know, John accidentally dropped the keycard outside the door without even noticing… The next day, Erica woke up before the others. ‘I should go down for a jog, it’s a lovely day for it!’ She thought to herself. When the looked in the drawer which she thought John put the keycard for the door in, she was devastated; it was empty! Erica jumped up and frantically woke up the snoring John and Emily, screaming,’WAKE UP! WE LOST THE KEYCARD!’ John slowly went to the drawer, with his eyes open in fright. He shakily ran to the door and looked through the peephole, which he saw the keycard. ‘Quick! I need something long and thin!’ Erica fumbles through her pockets, but she couldn’t find anything long and thin enough to slip under the door. Due to all the noise in the hotel room, Emily woke up and got a long, thin comb from her bag to comb her long, silky hair. When John saw the comb, he snatched it from Emily and slipped it under the ,door. After that she slowly pushed the keycard towards him.’Yes!’He cried when he retrieved the keycard. After all that drama, they quickly packed their bags and checked out of the hotel room. After they arrived on the busy street again, they took some pictures of the cars and buildings there. ‘ Time to go home!’ John said happily. But,the time-travelling machine was nowhere to be seen. Emily sighed,’ Well, I guess we have to catch a plane to go back home.’ John booked a plane back home online, but sadly, they were too late to catch the plane. When John saw the glum look on their faces, he said with a smirk,’Did you forget I am a secret agent?’ In a flash, a speeding jet landed next to them. They happily cried as they boarded the private jet, and in a moment they arrived at their boss’s office and gave the pictures of Greater Bay to Amaya.