Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 2020complete | Page 182

At bedtime ,we waited until the caretaker was asleep ,then we started to sneak out.We went to the wall with the map and tried to type in the password. When I tried it it opened up. We went in an old fashion secret lair which has thousands of robots which were not activated. So what’s the plan ?Alvyn said. What are you doing here I asked.When I came back from the seventh floor buffet , you were talking something about operations sneak out. So I sneaked out with you. While Alvyn talking he lean ed on the buttons that says start. The robots started to power up. What have you done!? I asked . Chapter 8 I didn’t do anything! I didn’t do anything Alvyn said. Then why is the robots moving by themselves?! I replied. Zeck,a ninja turtle enemy but later friend came out of a door started to shoot laser beams at us. Guys I said I think the robots are projecting our memories and making them look like real things and attacking us. But that’s impossible Jacob said it is scientifically impossible! In our imagination, anything is impossible! I say. Suddenly, math quiz is started to pop up. That’s my imagination said Jacob. What are you thinking of daydreaming math quizzes in a math class?!!! Suddenly Star Wars characters started to pop up. We all look at Alvyn. What ?Alvyn said. And they were all gone and roblox started to pop up .are you thinking of roblox right now? Chapter 9 shut it off! The robot started to charge us so we quickly got out of the way. Shut it off shut it off yelped Aiden . The robots tied us to a wall and started to shoot fire at us . Certainly a guy with quickly and titles and best to turn off button but more robot quickly coming to quickly defeated them all using laser beams. Chapter 10 final ending He said he was one of the members of the greater Bay Area and the robots were guarding a machine that could travel to the other parts of the greater Bay Area. We promised not to tell anyone about the machine and he let us out. We went back to our rooms, satisfied that we solved the mystery.