Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 2020complete | Page 150

The Ruby Dragon Kennedy School, Kim, Yeonseo - 9 “Do you agree with me, Jane?” Jane woke up with a jolt. She had just been asleep in Mrs Ling’s math class. “Uhhh… yes, I do?”Jane looked around the class. Mrs Ling was frowning at her. “Have you been asleep again?” she asked. Jane felt hot. “I-I was just making sure n-nobody was looking at my test,” she stammered nervously. “The test was two hours ago!”Mrs Ling exclaimed. “That’s it, I’m calling your parents!” She said. Then, the bell rang. As she walked home with her brother Jacob, she had the feeling they were being followed. Suddenly, a flash of a big, red, spiked tail stuck out from Starbucks. Jacob ran after it. Being the younger sister, she ran after him. ‘He’s 14 years old’ ‘He knows what to do’ ‘I don’t want to get lost, he’s a jerk, but still, I’m only 9,’ Jane thought uneasily as she raced through the streets. Chinese New Year was near so it was quite hard( with people decorating the buildings with red decorations) to follow him. Jacob stopped. The big red figure came to a dark valley, somewhere in Wan Chai, Jane thought, horrified. ‘We came from Central!’ Then it used a Jian and cut, as if it were chopping the air. Where it swung it made a black portal and the figure stepped in it and disappeared. Jacob went through and Jane followed. She felt herself falling with a weightless sensation. She saw Jacob close his eyes. Then everything went black. When they woke up, they heard a woman’s voice saying “Don’t worry children, you need your powers to defeat Qin, the Emperor and his army,”. They looked up and saw a young woman with black hair staring down at them. Jacob growled, “Who are you?”. “My name is Biyu,” The lady smiled. “I saw youngsters like you hunting down the emperor,” “How old are you?” Jacob asked. “One century,” she replied. Over dinner, Biyu told them how Qin came back from the dead and was planning to take over modern China. She also said that Qin wasn’t acting alone either that, or something was possessing him. He told them that they could summon objects o things from the Diyu.Then Jacob and Jane told her about the red figure. Biyu’s eyes widened when they explained about the jiao. “Ok, so you saw him in Wan Chai?” asked. Jane said: “Yep” 2 weeks later… If Jane had heard one of her friends say: “I’m going to fight some evil people I don’t know!” She would have called 999. That would explain reality A LOT. She was fighting some evil army that she didn’t know much about. She’d rather go home and face the wrath of her parents starting with a: Jane, Jacob-whatwere-you-thinking-running-away-like that-you-and-your-brother-are-grounded-wait-till-you - see-your-father-he-will-be-so-mad. Biyu was training them to summon things. Soon they were to go to the Diyu and find the Ruby of Fire. It had turned out that Qin got a prophecy that two Jié children will overthrow him. Then he acted quickly and sent a fifth of his men to catch them which was about 60,000,000 men. The emperor had this part built in his favour so this happened NOT to be in the myths, so books were quite useless. First, they crossed the Lake of Doom(Èyùn hú). It had a flimsy bridge. Jacob simply turned into a giant bird and carried Jane.