Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 2020complete | Page 121

“Memory recovery technology” her sister murmured, seeing Ivy’s expression, “Remember that story I told you? This place is trying to turn our generation into super-intelligent beings.” “We have to escape! Mum and Dad will be petrified!” “I know but...how?” The two sat in silence, searching their newly enhanced minds for some kind of plan. After what seemed like an eternity, Ivy blurted an idea. “All the security runs on technology. But without it, we could escape! Along with all these other kids” Ivy added hastily. That evening, when all the kids were escorted to their sleeping chambers, the sisters knew exactly what to do… Everyone else had fallen asleep. Ivy peeked out of the chamber doors to check if the coast was clear. Ivy slipped out of the room, gesturing for Cyrellia to follow her. Sticking to the shadows, they bolted down the maze of corridors. Turning around the corner, Ivy suddenly stopped, staggering back. “Guard!” Ivy hissed, but thankfully they had come prepared. Throwing a knock-out bomb she’d found, she covered her mouth and dashed to the door, her sister on her heels. Smoke hissed up from the bomb like a volcanic eruption- instantly knocking out the guard. Inside the security room there were thousands of screens covering each of the walls - covered with lines of code. Heart racing, Ivy searched the whole room until she found a glossy button with elegant letters on it: off. Taking a deep breath, Ivy thumped the button, setting off a robotic voice: “system failure”. With a relieved grin, Ivy glanced at Cyrellia, to see her with a mirrored expression. Finding the other kids was easy - all of them had heard the alarm and were running around like an elephant stampede. As soon as they saw the sisters, everyone knew that they must’ve done it. Victorious, Ivy bounded towards the exit. They quickly filled up the available hover-vehicles, several bodies too many crammed into each one, but with effort, the vehicles safely took off- staff running after them, knowing it was pointless. That night, their mum and dad demanded to know everything. They all agreed to leave immediately. Ivy slept in the hover-craft with her sister while their parents drove. As Ivy slowly dropped into sleep, she heard a frighteningly soothing female voice say “Did you really think you could get away?”