Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 2020complete | Page 109

A Great Adventure Diocesan Girls' Junior School, Yu, Kaitlyn Wing Jun - 10 Micha perked her ears up. What was that humming noise that was getting closer to them? Here they were, protected and safe in this lake which they named Whistle Lake. Surely, no humans knew about this lake, this lake that was so relaxing, quiet and peaceful. They had to keep this part of the river a secret – whatever it took. Karina stared out of her apartment window. She lived in the Pearl River Delta, in the newly constructed Greater Bay Area, now usually known as Middleland China. Her father and mother moved here from America because they thought it was a good idea for the family to experience the blend about Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau. Though Karina was still sad about leaving her family behind, she loved it here. The hustle and bustle of Middleland China reminded her of New York City, and the food was so unique, a combination of Portuguese tarts, Peking Duck and Dim Sum. Karina noticed that a section of some trees was hiding something. But what was it hiding? Karina decided that she would find out that night. The humming noise came nearer and nearer. “Come on Monty, we have to go deeper into the water, quickly! Something’s coming!” Micha called out to her husband. Upon hearing this, they both dove inside the waves, swimming as fast as they could. “Mwahahahaha! Look at how many we caught tonight!” two dolphin hunters exclaimed. “Should we let some of the dolphins go now, Mr Chang, boss? This seems too much,” one said. “No way José, Lee! Are you mad? The more we get, the more money we earn! This dolphin meat is the perfect fake grouper meat! It will sell excellently at our shop! Come on Lee, help me load this onto the truck!” Chang said rather gruffly. Then, the horrible sound of gunshots echoed throughout Whistle Lake. Micha and Monty realised what had happened after they heard this. The whole pod, except them, had been captured and killed by those two illegal dolphin hunters! They needed to ask someone for help. But who? That night, Karina snuck out of bed and went to the trees that were hiding something. She saw a path, and after she walked along that path, she found a lake that linked to the Pearl River! Suddenly, two figures swam near. Karina took a step back. Then, two dolphin heads emerged out of the water. “Chinese White Dolphins!” she happily squeaked. “Oh no, now a human knows about us and this place. All because you wanted to see what this was.” Monty gasped, then slapped his fin to his mouth. “You can talk! It’s a dream come true! I’ve always dreamed that animals could talk…” Karina breathed. “Well now we’ve let the secret out, I suppose I’ll have to tell you. All animals can talk, people just don’t have the patience to listen. I’m Micha, and this is Monty. You are a human, right? I’ll need your help. Please! Our pod has been captured and killed by evil dolphin hunters It’s devastating, yes, but there’s no time for mourning. I have a plan of revenge, and I’ll need your help. The two hunters’ names are Lee and Chang, and they have a pickup truck--” Micha explained. “Chang& Lee Fishing Co.! Their shop is right around the corner of our school! The owner loves to tease the little kids, so I always try to defend them. I’ll definitely help you!” Karina interrupted. “Right. So here’s our plan…” Karina leaned in closer as Micha and Monty started to explain their plan. The next day after school, Karina put some slippery oil inside the back of the pickup truck, but just in time to catch up with the little girls and boys of the lower grades. “Mommy’s not here today, is she?” Chang teased. “Should we put you on the ice racks with all the other little fishes today?” Lee joked. “No.” said a firm voice. It was Karina! “And I can’t wait to see how you react tonight,” she added with a little smirk. “What ‘tonight’?” the little ones asked. “Wait and see” was Karina’s answer. That night, Karina snuck out of bed again and went to the lake. She gave Micha and Monty the ‘thumbs up’ sign, and hid behind a tree with her camera. Soon enough, the humming sound of Chang and Lee’s truck came. “Little dolphins! Come out, come out, wherever you are!” came the sound of Chang’s voice. As if on cue, Micha and Monty started to make squeaking noises. Lee lowered the net, and the dolphins gave a wink to Karina, who was busy taking pictures. “Got the catch, boss!” Lee exclaimed. Karina snapped away as the two men loaded the dolphins on the truck, only to find out at that moment, there was oil on the truck! The fishing net slipped off the truck, into the lake again. “Noo!” Chang and Lee screamed, as Micha and Monty swam towards Karina, who was hiding in the trees, now taking pictures of the two men. The next morning was a Saturday. Karina took the camera and the fishing net (which she picked up after the men had left) to the police station. Fortunately, the police believed her story and arrested the men. She happily skipped home. That afternoon, everyone was called to school, and the principal