Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 2020complete | Page 484

A Day in Techno Polis St. Joseph's College, Cheung, Yin Ming Savio - 12 “Welcome, my friend, to TechnoPolis!” Andy announced. “We are currently stepping through the border of the most technologically advanced area in the entire world. This thriving metropolis is the largest business and financial hub ever existed, and it is also the No. 1 tourist attraction in every single travel guide. Get ready for the start of this journey and prepare to be utterly amazed!” My friend Andy and I opened the doors leading outside and I immediately gasped. My hometown is mainly occupied by farmland and this is totally new to me. Towering over me were hundreds of skyscrapers, their walls lined with shiny glass curtain walls. In the streets were tons of people. Some of them were in suits, some were in uniforms and some were in casual wear. When I looked up, I saw the most baffling sight ever. There were huge vehicles that looked like capsules zooming swiftly above my head! I screamed for I was afraid that one of them might fall down. Luckily, my friend calmed me down. “These are airbuses. They are the most common form of transportation within districts, since they are quick and their operating schedule is tight and frequent. They are also quire eco-friendly. They make use of earth’s natural magnetic field to hoover in the air, so no toxic pollutants will be emitted.” “Districts?” I asked, wanting to know more. “TechnoPolis is divided into five districts. First, the Residential District, most of the population lives there. Second, the Business and Commercial District, the central commercial and financial area in TechnoPolis. Most of the multinational corporations set up their China headquarters here. This is also where you will come if you decided to go shopping. It has the best retail outlets here. Third, the Industrial District – the manufacturing center of the most sophisticated machineries and equipment. Fourth, the Technological and Innovation District – this is where we are now. This district is where all the new contraptions are created, such as the airbus. Lastly, there is the Entertainment and Cultural District. This is where you just kick back, have fun and relax!” Andy explained in great detail. “Ooohh! I wanna go there!” I pleaded. “ Sure, follow me.” “What is this place?” I questioned as we entered a gigantic dome with a platform in the middle, radiating sharp blue light. “ Welcome to the teleportation hub,” a woman’s voice announced in the intercom. “ The next transmission will begin in two minutes. All travellers please stand on the platform.” “Teleportation transmission?” I said in surprise. “ This machine utilizes nanotech to disintegrate our physical bodies and transfer it into a quantum computer as data. The data is then sent to the opposite computer in other districts to regenerate your physical body.” Andy elaborated in detail. I was speechless. “ “T-minus one. All passengers please take your position,” the intercom blasted again, as we took our places. It felt so weird being transported by computer. One minute you completely black out, and another minute you are standing in a completely different place. “ I’m hungry,” Andy told me, breaking the silence. “ Let’s go eat!” On our way to the restaurant, we chatted a lite bit more. “The air seems so clear here. How is that possible?” I asked. Andy responded precisely “TechnoPolis uses advanced technology to extract pollutant particles from the air, water and land and applies them to a compactor that shapes the pollutants into solids. It is then transported to the industrial district, where it will receive waves of extremely intense radiation, annihilating the object, the molecules and even the tiniest atoms, leaving nothing but a small amount of heat.”