Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 2020complete | Page 443

Harrison couldn’t control his impulse to urge Maria while watching her swipe on her smartphone. ‘I’m just concerned about some details about what will happen after such purchase,’ Maria stated, of which Harrison followed by persuading Maria to conduct the purchase. Even John - and every member of the Businessmen’s bank’s staff- was waiting impatiently while checking the rapidly decreasing amount of cash remaining. John then turned to his telephone to report bankruptcy. 2-4-6-8-1-5-3-7, he clicked. Just as he was to click ‘call’ the telephone rang. He answered the call with confusion. ‘Hello?’ ‘Hello.’ The call went on for a while. ‘Thank you.’ he said with surprise. ‘Did you…’ one member of staff asked. As soon as John replied, every member of staff smiled, took a deep breath and celebrated together in union. So did Harrison as he exited the office building. On the following Sunday, Harrison travelled along the impressively-built bridge to Macau and Zhuhai, the entertainment hubs of the region, with some of his co-workers. ‘A brilliant way to end an intense and stressful week,’ Harrison said. ‘Definitely! Today would be a relieving and enjoyable trip,’ a co-worker answered. And they laughed all the way till the end of the day.