Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 2020 | Page 39

Hong Kong Young Writers Awards 2020 The travelling took almost three days. I was overwhelmed with information but I learnt fast. Uncle Hui told me that this was the up-and-coming part of our country. The GDP of Guangzhou was around 250 billion RMB at the time. It sounded astronomical, like a million RMB and 10 million RMB. I had no idea what it represented but I knew that it meant opportunities, even for a country boy with no useful experience and limited education. My uncle helped me find a job in a real estate development company as an assistant in a branch office. The job largely consisted of tea-pouring and an assortment of administrative chores. Occasionally, I answered telephone calls when the receptionist was not around. It did not pay much but I was grateful for the opportunity. In retrospect, it was the most valuable learning experience of my entire life. Every time I fetched a pot of tea or some snacks for my managers, I would hear their talking on the phone with a client or discussing business with one another. Sometimes, I would politely ask questions about what I had heard. Most of my colleagues were friendly and willing to teach me, so eventually I learnt quite a lot about the industry. I learnt to assess costs against benefits and to align interests for mutual gain. I started working my way upwards, moving from place to place for additional exposure. Ten years down the line, I had gathered enough experience, network and capital to start my own company. I named it after the village I came from. My family came to live with me. Our dreams have come true. There are moments when I wonder what would have happened instead if I never left the village. I am grateful for what I have. At the same time, I want to give the same life- changing opportunities to others the way my uncle once did for me. That is why, back in 2016, I was so thrilled to hear about the establishment of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area. If there is one thing I have learnt from all my years in business, it is that opportunities arise where there is a readily available network. Half of the time I spend on running my business is used to expand and maintain my network. Collaboration has become more important than ever in today’s world. Every day, new business ideas emerge, waiting to be developed. Every day, people wait for that moment in their lives when everything would be changed forever. I know that the synergy within the Greater Bay Area will do just that, for millions more riding on the backs of oxen. 100