Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 2020 | Page 75

Hong Kong Young Writers Awards 2020 The bustling sounds of the people scurrying on the road below, going about their day. Cars constantly honking back and forth at each other, busy market mongers trying their best to sell on the streets. The flashy streetlights and signs shining brightly. This was all such a stark contrast to what I had grown accustomed to. Yet, the abrupt modernisation was not unwelcome to me either, because I was determined to find Siu Mei somewhere in these dazzling group of buildings and windy rows of roads. All my searching led me to the somewhat remote side street, away from the bright lights of the city stores and colourful houses exteriors. And it was right there, where I saw the same figure I saw on that second floor of the market, where I saw Siu Mei for the first time in months. “Siu Mei!”, I painfully screamed out. “What are you doing here? You aren’t meant to be here Ka Ming!” she spoke exasperatedly, taking a few steps back nearing the close road. “I’ve been looking for you for so long - please tell me everything that happened. I need to know, even if you might just leave again. I’m here because I missed you so much all this time that you left.” I shouted at her - just hoping she would explain things once and for all. “I-I don’t know what to say.” she stuttered back in return. She composed herself before stammering out loud, “I really did miss you too. It was absolutely terrible being without you. I know this may be hard to believe but, I didn’t have any other choice. I had to leave Iao Hon. My family - they forced me out because they didn’t want me to be with you! I begged and pleaded but, they forced me to distance myself from you. I’m so sorry for leaving you all alone, I’m so, so sorry. Please, I regret what I had to do, my family is what has stopped me from wanting to be with you all this time!”. “It’s okay, none of that matters now Siu Mei, I trust you, and I trust that you didn’t want to leave.” I reassured her, “We don’t have to worry about your family, all that matters is that we have each other and make each other happy right? Siu Mei, I don’t know how to express this but, I love you, Siu Mei, I love you. I want you to run away with me back to where we had all our fun times together - we don’t need to think about what anything else.” “You don’t need to ask Ka Ming. I made up my choice a long time ago - I no longer want to be confined by my family anymore. I want to be free and I want to be happy for what I want, not my family.” Siu Mei declared, “I love you, Ka Ming, I really do love you. So, let’s run away together and start a new life away from here.” I look into Siu Mei’s eyes before taking her hand onto the pavement by the road, “Shall we?” She smiled at me before gripping my hand and saying, “We shall.” “And that’s the story of how we ended up here you two.” I concluded, taking a good long breath, grabbing a sip of water on the cool balcony. Just as I was expecting a reply from my grandchildren, I saw that both of them were already sound asleep. Here, in this large intra-connected megacity, the best parts of mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau are all mixed, and here, is where I hope that children just like my grandchildren can make their fondest memories. Thanks to the strong sense of community that has been fostered by connecting all these places together, I can’t wait for all the wonderful things that will happen to my grandchildren as well. Just by looking at them sleeping, it gives me enough reassurance that the youth will be going into this world into an even better place than before, where they will be growing up in with even more things to experience than I ever did. 136