Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 12 | Page 80

Discover The Secrets of Old Shanghai
Bradbury School , Leung , Melody - 10


n a town called old Shanghai , inside a tiny village , there lived a clever family which loved calculations and languages . Their daughter Emma Alaska was 8 years old , but had the brain of a twent-year-old !. She knew over 80 languages . Their son Jacob Alaska was 10 years old and was really good at calculations . When he was four he knew his times table up to twenty and understood algebra . Madam Alaska was a language teacher and understood over 190 languages , even the really unpopular ones . Sir Alaska was a scientist and had made over 100 types of successful merchandise items . They were a kind hearted family . More than half of the money that they earned was given to charities . They had just enough for daily use , no more , no less .
Unfortunately , in 1981 , December , a war started . News quickly spread . In the morning when the children were getting ready for school , their parents warned them to be careful and handed a heavy book to Emma and Jacob . They told them before they headed out “ If you both ever struggle , read the book . You will find information and stories to help you . This book was passed on from your great grandma Ching and there are only 2 books in the world , so we hope you both can keep it safe and pass it onto the next generation .”
When the children went to school the parents were kidnapped by a bunch of soldiers . They said “ You ’ d better hand the book over ! Or you will get your head chopped off !” “ Never !” said Madam Alaska . The soldiers pointed their gun at her . Sir Alaska raised his fist and launched towards the soldiers . The leader of the soldiers fought him and got him under control . Madam Alaska quickly scribbled down a message for Emma and Joe . “ You ’ ve had your chance !” Shouted the soldiers and took them both away without anyone noticing .
The children came back from school . The house was a mess . “ W-w-w-whoa !” said Jacob . “ What has happened !” “ Where ’ s Mama and Papa ,” asked Emma . While discovering what has happened , the cold and scary feeling of worried has come to her . Jacob saw the note that Madam Alaska wrote , “ Come Emma ,” said Jacob , “ Look .” They read the note together . It was quite crooked since Madam Alaska wrote it in a hurry . It said , ‘ The soldiers came , the house is a mess , don ’ t worry , we are safe . Help the town , it ’ s in danger , get the book , page 41 .”
“ Let ’ s find page 41 !” said Jacob “ Hurry !” said Emma
To her disappointment it wasn ’ t anything special at all , it said ’ Find Leo , Gabrielle , and Amelia ( Smith ) then go to page 23 ”
“ There ’ s so many Leos , Gabrielles and Amelias in town , this is nearly impossible !” barked Jacob . “ Come on , let ’ s get moving .” said Emma
They walked for days and days in search of the three brothers and sisters , Leo , Amelia and Gabrielle Smith . They came across a tall old man who recommended Emma and Jacob finding them in the old street . They went to the old street , and indeed there were a lot of people . They came across three children who seemed special and were quite sure that it was them .
“ Hi ,” said Emma . “ Hi ,” The oldest girl answered . “ You must be Gabrielle Smith ,” said Emma . “ And you must be Emma Alaska ,” said the girl .
After lots of meet and greet , they began to know each other and became fast friends . Leo was good at reading maps and has a good sense of direction . He is nine years old . Gabrielle can remember stuff for a long time and has a good memory . She is ten years old . Amelia can run really fast and is brave . She is eight years old . Their parents were kidnapped too . Jacob and Leo remembered what it said on the book and found page 23 .