Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 12 | Page 569

When Ming woke up , he feasted his eyes on the magnificent beast as he showed it to Cuifeng . She gasped , “ Where on earth did you get this thing ? I think I have mistaken it as a prophecy my parents told me before . It was like this :
To achieve the epically legendary Neo Sword , You must dream about an old emperor holding a gourd . This will happen only if you are in great danger , Or else , the treasure will become a black blur .
This must be the weapon the sky gave us to complete our dream to conquer the Japanese warriors ! Master , you ’ re so lucky !”
Chapter 4 — The Battle
One winter morning a few months later , Ming woke up because he heard thunder . No , it couldn ’ t be , right ? Winters don ’ t have thunder ! It was actually the cannonballs from the Japanese pirates . Without room for hesitation , Ming quickly told Caifeng by instinct . She told Ming to battle with the Japanese pirates . Unluckily , Ming figured out quickly that the pirates had pineapple-shaped razor pens as they were streaming into the city gate . He thought , “ Wow ! That thing is so unique ! How did the pirates get it ? Did they steal it ? It must be it !” Ming has stayed in the city for a long time and he has already stuck to the city ’ s thoughts . He was determined to save the sacred city which is facing its doom .
Ming held the sword tightly . As he killed a few of the pirates , he felt more confident and courageous . However , hundreds and hundreds of pirates were rushing into the city . It seemed that it was never ending ! Luckily , the citizens of the old city came to help . They threw spears , arrows , rakes , spades … everything they could find at home at the pirate army . Although the army was shrinking , Ming could see that the pirates ’ eyes are full of rage . Ming suddenly realized something , “ Wait … those pirates look identical ! That group is too ! There must be a cloning machine out there !” So he ventured in to the group of pirates , thwarting the pirates to stay near him . At the entrance , he spotted a pirate with a badge , a golden scar , and a silver banner on his head . Yes ! That must be Pikotaro ! Ming rushed to his side , lifted his sword , and SWISH ! A diamond head landed on the floor . In Pikotaro ’ s pocket , Ming found a pocket cloning machine that Pikotaro must have stolen from others . He had a complacency feeling at that moment , but he soon realized that he was surrounded by a big group of pirates . He horridly closed his eyes and randomly slashed like a ninja . When he opened his eyes , He saw shimmering heads and bodies lying on the floor . As he went back through the main door , citizens grabbed him and kept throwing him as high as they could , chanting “ Hero ! Hero ! Hero ! Hero ...”
Chapter 5 — Home
That night , when Ming slept in his bed in the old city , the mysterious vortex appeared at midnight again and sucked Ming back to real life …
Ming woke up , startled . He checked the clock — it was 12:01 ! Ming felt relieved , as time would not pass fast in real life . He kept on revising , hoping that he would achieve a good score in his Chinese History , or the things he experienced in the Old City of Shanghai would be a total waste .