Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 12 | Page 560

The New Tale Of The Old City Of Shanghai
Ying Wa Primary School , Chan , Yin Wang – 11


nd I just have to add the flux capacitor to the control panel and the time traveler 2000 is completed !” said Lambart . Lambart was a twelve year-old genius . He loved to invent things , and his newest invention , the Time Traveler 2000 stood proudly in his messy laboratory . The Time Traveler 2000 was a time machine that could travel to any time and place on Earth . Lambart was learning about the old City of Shanghai , and he was very eager to see how life was like in the old city of Shanghai . He typed “ The Old City of Shanghai ” on the control panel and set the year dial to random . He then pressed a red button on the control panel . All of a sudden , the machine started to vibrate , humming with an eerie sound . Then the sound stopped . Both Lambart and the machine had disappeared .
The Time Traveler 2000 appeared in a dark alleyway . Lambart checked the year dial . It was the year 1853 . Lambart didn ’ t know what happened in 1853 , so he used the time machine ’ s built-in database to search about what happened . He typed ,“ The Old City of Shanghai in 1853 ”. The screen said ,” It was the time of the Taiping rebellion . In 1853 , The Old City fell into the hands of the Small Swords Society .” Lambart looked around to find out that he was face to face with an old man . The old man said ,” What are you doing here , boy ? Don ’ t you know that the Society members will be here any moment ? Run !”
As they were about to flee , they found their ways were blocked by two large and burly men . The bigger of the two men said ,” Mister Lau , Master - “ Before he could even finish his sentence , Mister Lau had already punched him so hard that the man slumped to the ground , unconscious . The other man wheeled around , trying to attack the old man , but Mister Lau was too quick for him . Before long , both men were knocked out cold . Mister Lau said , “ What are you waiting for , boy ? Now we ’ ve attacked two Society members , they will be hot after our tails . Follow me !”
They both ran like rockets to Mister Lau ’ s house . After they went to Mister Lau ’ s house , the old man bolted the door shut . He said ,” It won ’ t be long before the Society members find us . Here ’ s the plan : I ’ ll give you my armor and a fast horse . You must get out of this city quickly , or they will be after your blood . I ’ ll keep them busy while you escape . Understand ?” Lambart nodded his head . The old man said ,“ Good . Here ’ s my helmet and armor .” The old man handed Lambart a set of bronze armor .“ It ’ s as tough as a diamond and twice as precious . This shotgun is also yours . Keep yourself safe , okay ?” Lambart nodded . Mister Lau then led him out to the stables and took him in front of a handsome chestnut colored horse .” This is Swiftwind ,” the old man said , patting the horse ’ s head ,” the fastest horse in the whole city . You must get back to where you came from safely , before the society members get you . Understood ?” Lambart nodded . He climbed onto Swiftwind ’ s back and started to go back to the dark alleyway where the time machine was hidden from prying eyes .
Suddenly , he could see a dust cloud , so big that only a crowd of powerful horses could create a cloud of sand of that scale . He could hear the noise of a pack of horses galloping across the land . Once the dust cloud cleared he could see a team of ten people riding on horses . Once they dismounted , two people pointed a gun at both Mister Lau and Lambart .
The leader of the pack slid from his horse ’ s back to the ground He was a middle-aged man with a hideous scar running across his face . He said ,” Well , well , well . Look at what we have got here ! An old man who constantly disobey my orders ! Now look at him , mopey and weak- “
“ Excuse me , sir ,” said Lambart calmly . Anger and hatred were bubbling inside his stomach : how dare this foul man call one of the bravest people he had ever known weak ?
The leader of the pack glared at the boy . Apparently , he was not happy to be interrupted while he was speaking . He said ,” How dare you interrupt the leader of the Small Swords Society while he is talking ? Do you want me to throw you into the moat ?” Lambart said ,“ Well , no . I just want to say that I am going away .” The leader of the Society raised his eyebrows . He said ,“ What makes you think that I will release you ?” Mister Lau said ,“ I do .” Without waiting for the leader to defend himself , he punched the man in his face hard . The leader of the Society fell to the ground , unconscious . Lambart saw this as his chance to leave . With one last look at Mister Lau , who was still fighting the society , he urged Swiftwind to the alleyway where the time machine was hidden . He pressed the red button , and after a while , he was already back home .
Lambart started to think that the Time Traveler 2000 wasn ’ t such a great invention . What if he accidentally screwed up ? Would the whole world be affected ? After a while , he decided on dismantling the machine . From that day on , he didn ’ t make any time machines anymore .