Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 12 | Page 534

Travel Over Shanghai Western Academy of Beijing, Song, Justin - 9 T here was a boy named Gregg who was living happily with his family in Shanghai, China. One day, when his parents went to work, Gregg heard a knock at the door and he opened it. There was a gang of ruffians who tried to get Gregg! When the ruffians saw Gregg, they pulled out the guns from their pocket. Suddenly, Gregg noticed that the men were going to get him. Even though it was too late, Gregg had the guts to kick the window and jump to the ground. He ran and ran until the ruffians couldn’t see him and was out of breath. Gregg was too exhausted. Just then, he got so hungry, so he went to a restaurant and stole some food from the restaurant. Soon, he heard a siren noise nearby and realized that the police was coming to catch and put him into jail! He ran and ran until he found the ‘Jade Buddha Temple.’ It was a very beautiful and relaxing place, in which it blew his mind. He had totally forgotten about why and how he ended up at this temple. While he was wondering around the place, he met a boy called Tommy from Canada, who he became very good friends with. As their friendship grew, Gregg found out that Tommy had lost his family in Shanghai. Gregg also told him amazing places that he checked out in Shanghai, such as, ‘The Bund,’ which has a fantastic view when you look down from the top. They have decided to travel around Shanghai. First, they went to the ‘Huangpu River’ where they fell in love with. They walked and walked and were so fascinated with the place that they didn’t even realize where they were going. Finally, they came to a place called the ‘Yu Yuan Garden.’ Tommy was especially interested in this garden because he loved the bamboo trees that were all over the garden. Even Gregg’s jaws dropped because he was so amazed by the beautiful garden. Even though Gregg was from Shanghai, he never had a chance to visit any of the places because their family couldn’t afford it. After observing all the beautiful nature from the garden, they started to walk again. They went to an entertaining street called the ‘Xin Tian Di’ street. All they did was walk and found all these attractive places. They also went into a lot of different small shops in that street. Gregg and Tommy also went to a famous place in Shanghai called, ‘Zhu Jia Jiao.’ Suddenly, Gregg got an idea! Gregg said that it is like Venice in Shanghai! They really loved ‘Zhu Jia Jiao.’ Tommy said that he wanted to visit there again in the future. They strolled along the ‘Zhu Jia Jiao' to a very famous place in Shanghai called the ‘Zheng An Temple.’ Gregg was explaining everything that he knew about the temple because Tommy was a Christian and he didn’t know anything about the temple. Tommy also noticed that this temple shows the history of Shanghai. Tommy was really thankful to Gregg who told him many fun facts about Shanghai which he already didn’t know about. They also stopped by ‘The Bund.’ Tommy said, “It’s so amazing! I can’t see these kind of things in America and I think that it’s very special!” Suddenly, the ruffians appeared and they pushed Tommy and Gregg to the lake! After a long time being in the water, Gregg came across the beach called, ‘The Sunny Beach.’ He enjoyed swimming and realized that Tommy is not with him! He got out of the beach and tried to find Tommy as he walked all around Shanghai till he couldn’t walk anymore. But, Tommy was no where to be found! He cried and cried because of Tommy. All of the sudden, he remembered that Tommy once said that he couldn’t swim. The next day, Gregg was reading the newspaper, and in one column it said that one Canadian boy called Tommy was found in a lake in Shanghai. Sadly, it mentioned that Tommy drowned and died. Gregg cried for days with despair. After the depressing news of Tommy, Gregg decided to go back home. He heard that the ruffians were caught by police due to pushing Tommy which made him drown. Furthermore, he missed his family. When he arrived home his parents were waiting for him all worried, and there were no ruffians. Gregg shared his stories about the sad adventure with Tommy day and night to his family and he lived happily ever after.