Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 12 | Page 476

New Tales of Old Shanghai
Stewards Pooi Kei Primary School , Mak , Edwin – 11


ong time ago , Shanghai was a city crowded and big . The air was sticky and the weather was always foggy .
Although the people there were wealthy , they liked to steal money from all the surrounding villages , all except Poor Village . In that village , there was a child called Edwon . He was poor . He had big black eyes , black hair and short arms and legs . He studied at a school called Won Primary School and it was old . The air there was fresh because the school put a lot of plants and colorful flowers in the school , which was near his home . His home was built with straw since straw was cheap in those times . Some of the villagers rode bicycles and some walked to work or to school . The people there wore filthy and muddy clothes .
In Shanghai lived an evil and a violent , horrible , brutal invincible serial killer . He was always followed by a dark figure . He had already killed many . Now , he came to the Poor Village . Everybody was really scared and they started looking for someone who could defeat him . The killer used a knife to kill . First he would threaten his victims , then , after taking their money , he would kill them . There were more and more victims and their parents and sons were very sad and angry . The villagers asked Edwon ' s father to fight with the killer . Edwon ' s father was a warrior . He liked fighting bad guys .
After Edwon ' s father heard about the bad guy , he went to find him . All of the villagers hoped that he would defeat the killer . But , before he went to fight with him , he called his best friends , Tom , Peter and Ben . Tom was brave and Peter was tall . Ben was agile but he was really short . After he had found his friends , he asked the villagers about the killer . The villagers described him as ugly and short . After gathering information from the villagers , Edwon ’ s father and his friends went back home to discuss how to defeat him . When they were on the way home , they saw a ugly child with muddy clothes , messy hair , crippled legs and small blue eyes attacking the people in the village with a knife . They ran over with spears to fight with the child . While they were fighting him , Edwon ' s father realized that it was Edwon ' s best friend , Sam . Edwon described Sam as polite and clever , so why would he want to kill the people in the village ? He stopped his friends and he asked Sam if he was Edwon ’ s best friend . Sam didn ' t answer and ran away . They decided to go back home to discuss about what had happened and how to defeat the boy without hurting him . It was already about 9 o ’ clock at night …
While they were discussing , Edwon was listening beside them . They were all coming up with ideas but none of them seemed to be good . At 11 o ’ clock , they ran out of ideas and Peter , Tom and Ben were really tired so they decided to go to sleep and discuss more in the morning . Edwon ’ s father pointed out that , if they don ’ t come up with a good idea today , there would be more victims by tomorrow . Ben , Tom and Peter sighed and sat down for a few more minutes . Suddenly , Edwon thought of something ! What if Sam was possessed by a demon ?! He quickly shared his idea with his father and his father ' s friends .
They listened to Edwon and at that moment it all made sense . After they discussed for a while more , they came up with the perfect plan for tomorrow .
The next morning , they hid behind the rubbish bin and waited for Sam to appear . 15 minutes later , Sam finally appeared and Edwon ' s father jumped out and yelled " Roar !" A demon jumped out of Sam ' s body ! Then , Tom , Peter and Ben used their spears to kill the demon . Immediately after , Sam woke up and asked “ Why am I here ?'' Edwon ' s father told him that he was possessed by a demon and that his parents were really worried about him . After he heard about what happened , he ran back home to tell his parents where he was . After the villagers learned that the demon was gone , they were really happy and they celebrated with a dance .
A month later , the president of Shanghai gave a reward of ten thousand yuan to Edwon ’ s father and his friends . They were really happy . Sam returned to school and plays with Edwon every day . The names of the victims were written on the walls and the people in the village still mourn them every year at the first of June .