Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 12 | Page 44

The Magical History of Shanghai Victoria Shanghai Academy, Lam, Darren – 9 A long time ago in ancient China, there lived a small group of powerful witches and wizards. They were hugely outnumbered by the non-magical people and lived in fear of being exposed. The Emperor of China ruled with an iron fist. His Prime Minister was a wizard, which made the Emperor very jealous. The people of the land barely had enough space to live, which made them fight and to make things worse they hardly had enough food to eat. He asked his Prime Minister for ideas to stop the conflict, but every idea involved magic, which he hated. One day, the group of learned witches and wizards headed to the Emperor’s palace. They suggested they build their own invisible city for their magical people to live in so that there would be more space for the Emperor and his people. ‘’FORGET IT! HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINK OF USING MAGIC? WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY LAND? IS IT NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?’’ the Emperor yelled. The Emperor was convinced that this idea came from his Prime Minister. He was a raging ball of fire and threw the entire magical population into jail. Ten years later, the Emperor was still facing a crisis. The people were still starving. They still had no place to live and the Emperor was still not satisfied with how his country was turning out. He decided to bring his Prime Minister out of jail and asked him for advice. ‘’I’m facing more crisis and conflict. I need ideas on how to resolve this problem once and for all.’’ ‘’Let me go back to my people and gather ideas,’’ the Prime Minister suggested. Two weeks later, the Prime Minister returned with an idea for the Emperor. ‘’We have come up with a solution. However, you may not like it because it involves magic.’’ the Emperor stroked his beard. ‘’Well, sinc