Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 12 | Page 409

A few days later, the three children met to discuss matters. Of course, Qi Lin brought a few things with him: movie tickets, “Frisbee” (huh) plus a buffet (these are after their discussion). To the point (and to first summarize), their discussion brought up important and depressing matters. First, Qi Lin said that they need to get back to present day. “But how?” Lee Lin countered, “You know when we got back, the car is gone!” “We’ll have to find it!” insisted Qi Lin. “You know my family is in Kuomintang (KMT)” said Lee Lin, “The government is after us!” “Anyway, party first, panic and problems later.” said Qi Lin. They watched a movie, Zhao Xi and Lee Lin complained that their eyes were having problems because everything was in “black and white”. They played “Frisbee”, but only to find out it was a big black disk and only played one song. They had a buffet of expensive ice-cream (it was extremely expensive at that time) , Xiaolongbaos (steamed dumpling) and canned foods (this is important food came from western countries, also expensive) . They ate happily, with curiosity, but their happiness didn’t last. A gunshot sounded. Qi Lin, Lee Lin and Zhao Xi leapt, their hearts thumping like a drum. A loud, commanding voice echoed, “Hand them over!” The lights flicked and went out. The room plunged into darkness. The three scrambled for the exit only to find it bolted and locked. The thin crack of light illuminated the room, someone was entering through another door, it was a soldier. Qi Lin grabbed a kitchen knife and threw it at the exit door, it buried itself into the wooden door, but it didn’t break. The soldier was in the room. Qi Lin, Zhao Xi, and Lee Lin plunged the knife deeper and worked through the lock. They went out into the harbor. Chaos was spreading through the port as some people were fighting, others sailing away and a few looked scared. Lee Lin said, “Let’s get away and find the car.” That’s when Lee Lin realized Qi Lin was gone. Qi Lin was captured by a solider and put in a locked room. The lock was a simple keyhole. The room only contains Qi Lin. Qi Lin looked around glumly and put his hands in his pocket. He felt something hard, he pulled it out, it was his very advanced phone with hundreds of features. He opened an X-ray app and scanned the room discovering a trapdoor. He found that behind the trapdoor lay the basement. He went in. There in the middle of the room he saw the car and he saw a gate. “Wonderful!” Qin Lin said. He searched his friends, who were pretty anxious. Together, they got in the car and Qi Lin pressed the pedal, the car started turning faster and faster. The light swirled outside. Then, the car stopped and outside, Qi Lin knew this wasn’t present day at all…