Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 12 | Page 402

The man ’ s temper was gone in an instant .
“ Sure , shall we team up ? My name is Peter and I ’ m from the Netherlands . Nice to meet you ,” Peter said holding up his hand , Charlie shook it and introduced himself , and so did Jack .
“ I think I know some friends that can help you . They are Japanese , they also want me in the same destination as you do if I ’ m right .” said Peter anxiously .
“ Peter ? Peter ? We have some news for you . We found two girls in a locked cage . They are finding it very hard to breathe now , since there has no gaps . Come here as quick as you can ! The traders will soon return ,” a voice croaked in Peter ’ s walkie talkie .
“ Alright Kenji , there are two boys with me , and they might be the girls ’ brothers . We are coming as quick as we can . Thanks for letting me know ,” replied Peter .
“ Peter , we have more information : the traders just came in and they were discussing about tricking the Shanghai government for to cede more land to the Japanese , which is illegal indeed . Wait till we arrest these folks , we sure will laugh out of our heads , ha ! We ’ re just waiting for you to arrive then to capture them all !” said Kenji .
“ Thank you again . We are close now ,” Peter whispered back .
Slowly and quietly the boys and Peter got there . The boys were horrified , seeing thick bars in cages , while they were walking by , and even heard some men whispering . Even Peter who most of the time was strong and brave , was a bit nervous this time , because all they were inside was pitch black , so Peter couldn ' t see how he was able to capture the traders , he only had to guess . Mysteriously Peter leaped up and pounced on most of the traders .
“ Gotcha !” shouted Peter holding traders ’ hands and the back . With the boys ’ help they held all the traders ’ hands behind their backs .
“ We ’ ll take it from here , Peter ,” said Kenji as he and others came out of their hiding places , putting handcuffs on the traders ’ hands . The girls were breathing properly now and were really surprised when the boys had come to rescue them .
“ Lucy , Macy , this is Peter who helped us find you . Without Peter you guys will be dead meat ! Peter , they are Lucy and Macy ,” cried Jack proudly .
“ It was the mysterious man who helped you ? He was helping you ?” asked Lucy incredulously . “ Yep !” said Charlie . “ Thanks !” cried Lucy and Macy at the same time and gave them a big hug .
Peter ’ s friends brought the traders to the governments and arrested them . The governments were very thankful and gave them a prize , which was a trophy of bravery .
“ What an adventure ! Nice meeting you Peter , but it ’ s time for us to go back to U . S .,” said Charlie . “ Yeah ,” they all said sadly knowing that they ’ d never see each other again .
“ That was close because they were just one step from tricking the governments ; we ’ ve stopped them from getting their hostages ,” said Peter and gave them each a high five .