Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 12 | Page 367

Time travel- Shanghai
Regents Primary School of Shenzhen , Lin , Star – 9

O ne day , I had a whim that I had to make a time machine . Making this time machine took me nearly one hundred million dollars and 15 years . I was very proud and happy to have made this time machine a reality .

Then it was time for me to try my time machine , so I boarded the time machine . “ Uh , where is it ?” I opened my eyes and said . Then , I stared at the screen .
There was no power in the time machine , but I was calm . The time machine had its power , it was fast charging . The screen showed it was 1934 , Shanghai . I stood up and opened the door , wanted to look outside . While I was walking down from the time machine , I was hit heavily by the people encircling the machine . I saw some Japanese soldiers standing in front of me , they had knives with them . I didn ' t panic . I was carrying an electric gun with 2.4 thousand million volt . At the " di " sound , a Japanese soldier fell down . The other Japanse soldiers saw this and were scared , then they ran away immediately .
The villagers were very grateful to me . They had prepared a lot of delicious food for me , like crisp cake with fresh meat , Shanghai wonton and some other special food . After eaing , we sat under a tree . I asked , “ Why did the Japanese attack you ? How many are they ?” A villager replied , “ a few thousand soldiers . They attacked us because they wanted to capture Shanghai .” Then the villagers came into my time machine , suddenly a war started . As many Japanese soldiers were rushing into the village , all the villagers went to the bettlefrield , and I took a submachine gun and went with them too . Later , I saw a Japanese soldier with a gun pointing at me , so I shot him down . Then , I wallked up to the roof of a wooden house , shooting all the time . Approximately I shot dead about two hundred Japanese soldiers . Suddenly I found a remote control in my pocket , and then I pressed the button of the remote control . I heard a loud noise , my time machine had changed into a big robot , with ten other robots , They waved their huge arms , all the Japanese soldiers were hit one by one . Next I pressed a button again . The robot fired at the Japanese at a speed of 20 rounds per second . After a while , all the Japanese soldiers had fallen , dead . When we thought that the battle was over , approximately 30 Japanese soldiers came back with a big cannon . Barely a moment later , my time machine had blown the cannon away , and all the Japanese soldiers died as well .
So all the villagers came to thank me , they had prepared all of the world ' s yummy food . There was also some famous Shanghaiese food . We talked happily and enjoyed the nice food . It was the first time I felt so happy and excited .
Next day , all the villages came and said goodbye to me . They stood round the time machine and waved their hands to say goodbye . So I boarded the time machine and wrote on the keyboard : 2016 Shenzhen . Then I pressed the button . Woosh ! In a short time , I arrived back home . It was an amazing journey .