Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 12 | Page 347

“ I know who you are looking for . Follow me .” I was exhilarated . We hurried past the shops that lined the coast until we got to the end . There was a sign less goldsmith shop . As we went in , Ho Man in his usual oily manner , greeted us with a bow . “ What may I do for you today , Mr . Everstone ?” I told him that someone was looking for him . He looked up . When he saw Dong Gu Tou . “ Impossible !” he gasped . Dong Gu Tou stepped forward , “ Long time no see , Ho Man .” I was really confused , but I continued to listen . “ I need you to break the rattle . Japan is in trouble and I would like to return the pearl .” said Dong Gu Tou . “ Fine , but I get to keep the rattle and collar . ” Ho Man replied . Ho Man took out a pair of pliers that were made out of a turquoise 24 karat gold . He sliced open the rattle that hung around The Bankhar ’ s neck and a gigantic shimmering ball tumbled out . Is that the night glowing pearl ? “ Wow ! How did you get that ?” I asked . Dong Gu Tou looked at me . “ Let me introduce myself properly . Princess Pao Boombagingragra , descendent of the mighty Khan family . A Japanese samurai gave this to my ancestor . They need the pearl or they will perish .” I was awestruck . That means the sabretooths were probably Japanese people trying to take back the pearl !” Just then , shadow of men flashed right behind Princess Pao , they disappeared like ninja . I ran back to the city looking everywhere for the sabretooths but couldn ’ t find them .
Finally , at the pier , I saw them boarding a ship leaving Old Shanghai . They must have figured out that the Princess Pao was going to return the pearl back to Japan . One of them saw me , and bowed . Then they all disappeared from sight . Not long after , their ship was gone , fading away into the evening mist .
The stinky footed Princess Boombagingragra became a legend in the Old Shanghai . Some even say that ’ s how stinky tofu got its name .