Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 12 | Page 336

The Wooden Flute of Shanghai
Peak School , Lyden , Georgia - 10


t was 7am on a Saturday at the Peace Hotel , Shanghai and the sun was leaking through the curtains like it couldn ’ t wait to get in . Chun ’ s long , black hair was tied in a plait so it didn ’ t get tangled . Suddenly she woke up . She felt excited but she didn ’ t know why . She opened the curtains and the light burst in .
Her grandfather knocked on the door the same way he had done all her life . “ Happy birthday Chun !” he exclaimed grinning . She smiled back and sleepily clambered out of bed ( 7am is very early for a Saturday ). He extracted a long , thin box from his jacket and gave it to Chun saying nothing , so as not to give away what it was . Still smiling Chun carefully opened the box and revealed an antique-looking bamboo flute . She gasped in delight as she saw it . This was the perfect gift for her thirteenth birthday because she had been playing the flute since she could hold one up and had longed for one of her own .
Her grandfather told her why this particular flute was special . “ This flute is actually hundreds of years old ”, he explained , “ so old that there are myths about it . Legend has it that it comes with an enchanted music book . The two were both created from the tree of peace and if united can perform magic , but only if united by the right player . This player must not only be able to play the flute but also read the music , which will only be revealed to the true owner . Of course I don ’ t believe it , all nonsense really , but I thought I had better tell you anyway . Right then ! Let ' s go downstairs . I have jazz to play and you have a birthday breakfast to eat !” Chun followed her grandfather and in all her excitement she did not notice her flute glowing faintly , yet mysteriously .
The next time Chun came back to her bedroom it was about an hour later and the sun seemed to have settled down . She swept her eyes around the room and they rested on the flute . She advanced forward quietly and reached for the beautiful instrument .
As soon as her fingertips touched it she felt a small sensation , an excitement , like this was the beginning of an adventure . She pulled her hand away and told herself that it was nothing . This was a normal day , she led a normal life and she would live it out without any adventures . Once again she touched the flute . Nothing . She held it in her hand . Still nothing . She the raised the flute to her lips and began to play .
Once she had played the first few bars she was swept into the music . She was so lost in her song that she did not realise everything around her was going dark and then melting into different shapes .
Chun opened her eyes .
She was standing underneath a large stone building . There was a sign above it . The sign read “ Cathay Hotel ”. Cathay Hotel ? That couldn ’ t be right ! And why was she outside ? Chun was certain she had been in her bedroom located inside the Peace Hotel a few minutes ago ! She gave herself exactly ten seconds to panic .
When she was done Chun suddenly remembered the flute that she was holding . The story her Grandfather had told her came back to her . “ Magic ” he had said . No , she thought . She then decided to clear her head by walking around . She had no idea where she was going so it was no surprise when she became lost . She tried to retrace her steps but she wasn ' t looking where she was going until , WHAM ! She collided with someone quite painfully .
“ Sorry !” she said . “ It ’ s all right ,” replied a boy who looked about Chun ’ s age . He had short black hair and a kind expression . “ You look lost ,” he said , with an air of question . “ I am ” replied Chun , sighing deeply . “ Could you please tell me where we are , and maybe what year it is ?” He smiled and said “ You are in Shanghai near to the