Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 12 | Page 319

The Mystery of the Gold Gem
Lycee Francais de Shanghai , Volle , Amelie - 9

O nce upon a time , there were two children named Xia and Yu . They were orphans . Then Miss Wang adopted them . And they were poor . Miss Wang was very mean to Xia and Yu . Until they were both 13 years old . One day , the Gold Gem was missing from the Da Lai Museum . Yu wanted to help . So , at midnight , they snuck into the Dai Lai Museum . It was darker than they thought . Xia and Yu found a clue . They saw a human footprint on the floor . They knew Emperor Gong would help . So , they told Emperor Gong what they had found . Emperor Gong was surprised by that but he didn ’ t seem to care . They still didn ’ t give up . Xia and Yu traveled to an Island called Meterpolis . They saw an old man . He was good at inventing things . They saw he was working on a time travel machine ! His name was Xiu . Xia asked Xiu if maybe they could use his time travel machine . Xiu said yes . Now Xia and Yu went inside it and Yu just pressed a button . ZOOM ! They went to a secret place . The word on top of the cave said it was Emperor Gong ’ s house . They went inside the house . They saw Emperor Gong with the Gold Gem ! They both discovered that Emperor Gong was bad ! Their hearts pounded . Suddenly , four spies snatched them and brought them to Emperor Gong . “ Well , well , well , look who has entered into my secret place !” said Emperor Gong . “ Throw them in jail !” he ordered . Xia and Yu thought of a way to get out . Yu saw an ancient pathway . “ Come here ,” said Yu . They crept in the pathway . But inside , there were two tunnels . So , they decided to split up . Xia went to the first tunnel . Yu went the second tunnel . Xia saw a green long SNAKE ! She was terrified ! She ran away as fast as possible . Yu also had a problem , she saw a treasure chest ! She wondered if it was a trap . She ran to it and was going to open it . Suddenly , the tunnel that Xia was in moved ! It moved closer to Yu ’ s tunnel . “ Hi ,” said Yu , joining Xia in her own tunnel . “ Wow !” said Xia , “ we must hurry to try to catch Emperor Gong !” When they got back to the Emperor ’ s palace , Xia and Yu put Emperor Gong in jail . “ Victory is ours !” they both said together . So , Xia and Yu went back to their home sweet home and played pokemon cards and afterwards drank hot chocolate . And they lived happily ever after ! But Emperor Gong didn ’ t live happily ever after .