Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 12 | Page 289

After a while, the emperor and I hid in a place and I told him the truth frantically. He listened and commanded his stouthearted soldiers to arrest Leung. With no reason, there’s still a wicked grin on his face. Seconds later, the wall of the palace broke down and everyone fell simultaneously while Leung escaped from jail. “After the city vanished into thin air and I’ll become emperor!” He cackled. Horribly, Xi sat on the emperor’s seat as he looked into the king’s treasure chest. In the moment Xi thought, “I’m the one who started the disaster and I’m going to fix it.” Instantly, he shot his genie with an arrow and it fell onto a soft homey pillow. As the arrow fell down, it bounced onto the genie’s round chunky tummy and was about to reach the palace. “And you slaves shall obey……” In the middle of the conversation, he was shot by an arrow and he died sadly. At the moment, the king and all of us looked at the magnificent fireworks celebrating the victory between the pirates. I expect you are wondering what happened to the other pirates. Well, they had escaped successfully escaped from the soldiers. On the other hand, they’re trapped in a island and are still waiting for someone to rescue them at the moment So my young readers, today we learnt that we must be light and make intelligent choices. be ended like the pirates in a more atrocious way. If you don’t, you will