Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 12 | Page 257

The Secret of Old Shanghai Street
International College Hong Kong ( Hong Lok Yuen ), Chin , Amelie - 10 years

T he 10-year old twins excitedly bounced in their hotel beds , discussing where to go . It was their first time in Shanghai , and they were eager to share their suggestions .

“ Let ’ s go see the Oriental Pearl TV Tower !” one of them , a strawberry-blonde haired girl exclaimed .
A boy , with golden-brown hair crossed his arms and said : “ Emily , why are you interested in such boring attractions ?” he moaned . “ We should go to Disneyland !” he complained .
Their father said , “ We can go to the Bund now to see the Oriental Pearl Tower , and we can go to Shanghai Disneyland sometime else , Conner .”
Conner wanted to argue , but he gave in after glimpsing the sharp stare from his mother .
The family set off to the Bund . When they arrived , the sky had turned dark and the Oriental Pearl TV Tower was the brightest object in sight . Everyone watched in awe at the beautiful night scenery around them . They looked forward , and saw flashing neon buildings and skyscrapers casting amazingly shiny lights over the waters . Then they turned around , and saw the old , looming towers of old Shanghai .
It was like looking at the past and present of Shanghai !
The next day , they went sightseeing at some old Shanghai streets near Cheng Huang Miao . There were old clotheslines hanging loosely between the tops of the curved rooftops , cracked and aged buildings which could have been someone ’ s home before , dusty windows , bright Chinese lanterns and dirty litter wedged in between the cracks in the rooftops .
There were ancient houses that were smudged and dirty , and to Conner , all the old buildings looked like temples . Every building was incredibly unique . There were astonishing swirls , loops and crosses on each and every rooftop . Every roof was curved artfully , arching below , nearly touching the heads of people walking around in the crowded street .
The family took a rest in a nearby Starbucks . The barista smiled mysteriously at the twins and handed them their drinks .
The twins took a sip of their drinks in a private corner booth , while their parents stood in line , waiting for their drinks . Their throats began to become tingly and suddenly , a huge , glowing circle surrounded them and started to engulf them in its golden light . Before they knew it , the twins got sucked into it like a black hole .
As the twins woke up , Emily immediately realized where they were . “ We ’ re in the past of Shanghai ! Look at this newspaper ! It ’ s 1920 !” she exclaimed .
Suddenly , a man with a thick bushy mustache came over to them in a smart blue uniform pinned with badges . He held a flag with the colors of the French flag and , to their horror , a gun .
He pointed the barrel of his gun straight towards the twins . “ Who are you ?” the man demanded .