Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 12 | Page 245

The Quest from the Past Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School, Li, Hung Yee – 11 I n a cold winter day, Luna and Jenny were just treasure hunting down at Grandpa William’s garage. “This is a box that we never found!” Exclaimed Jenny. “Great, put it in the big box over there.” Luna replied. After Jenny putting her box in the bigger box, Luna found something more mysterious than Jenny’s old box, it is a …….key. “Look Jenny! It’s a key! It’s a key! I wonder where the keyhole of this key is. And it said that save the wizard from the past.” Luna said. “Let’s find out!” Jenny replied. After that, they back inside to search for the mysterious keyhole Another one hour pass away, Jenny and Luna still couldn’t find the keyhole until they go up to Luna’s bedroom. “Hey Jenny look over here, I found something very special and weird.” Luna said. After Luna ask Jenny to come she was shocked. “Is this the keyhole that what we are looking for? Maybe we can try it and see if it’s belongs with the key.” Luna replied