Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 12 | Page 237

My Dream of Shanghai Holy Angels Canossian School, Li, Wai Sum Serena – 11 Living life, it’s up to you, Whether to live it boring or cool. But remember to thank your family members, For being there from January to December. Mow smile and enjoy every moment, And every word you spoken. T hud. Crash. My eyes flew open. Elaine, my younger sister was banging every furniture she could see. The irritating noise stopped when she saw that I woke up. ‘Elaine?’ I huffed. She hid in the closet. ‘Elaine. I have big dreams for our city. Dreams that do not involve annoying sisters. Shanghai will no longer be unimportant. It will be big. Rich. Prosperous. A golden age.’ Elaine emerged. ‘Even bigger than your ego?’ she asked, giggling as my cheeks burned. We both went down to the ‘dining parlour’, which was basically a crumbling room littered with debris with a fancy name. I grudgingly sat on the ground, wincing whenever there were bugs. Elaine was counting ants. Mum and Dad were eating peas and gravy. ‘Want some?’ Dad asked. ‘Thanks, but no thanks,’ I answered. ‘What were you both doing?’ Mum questioned. Elaine jumped up and down. ‘Brother was lecturing me 'bout his dreams for Shanghai. I think he wants to go to the city.’ Mum drew a sharp breath. ‘You are not to go a step away from this village. You have inherited my agility and your dad’s strong build. You are to be a farmer. Your future is bleak if you start acting like a teenager. Remember: Mother knows best .’ ‘What?’ I spluttered. ‘You want me to be as poor and uneducated as this family? Thank goodness I didn't inherit your intelligence.’ Dad looked as if I punched him on the gut. Mum went red. Mum advanced on me. ‘How dare you. Bringing shame and disgrace to this family. I…I…wish you were never born!’ Mum screamed, cheeks blotched, tears spilling on her torn blouse. ‘Fine!’ I ran to my room and slammed the door and made a solemn oath to myself. I would escape this place and go to the city when I was eighteen. To build a brighter future. For a new world. For a new world. I was eleven at that time.