Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 12 | Page 227

‘What is Hong - Hey…do you see that?’ Steven pulled her sleeve. Black and gray storm clouds thundered, and a tornado swirled just blocks away from the jail. Clouds darkened and lightning flashed. They exchanged glances; it must be the people with evil powers. They quickly ran over. ‘Intruder!’ A man in black shouted. ‘Clarisse,’ a voice in her ear whispered. Clarisse tried to say something in her mind. ‘Hello? Are you supposed to be Cheng Mei?’ she asked. ‘Yes, call me Natasha,’ Natasha / Cheng Mei continued. ‘You see, I brought you to this time because I am your great-great-great-great grandma, your ancestor. I am one of those people who have evil power, but I am not evil. Every one of us has different abilities, and I am the Witch. I will give you my power. Farewell…’ ‘Hey! Wait!’ Clarisse cried out loud. Everyone looked at her. ‘Well, well, well. Look at who we have here,’ the man in black cackled. He held up his hands; they each held a lightning bolt. Clarisse suddenly gasped. Her whole body surged with energy, and she tried to hold onto it in her palm. However, the energy blasted out of her hands, dancing through the air, and swirled between the evil-powered people. The water-blue energy entered their bodies. On the other side, Clarisse closed her eyes, floating in the air with the energy surrounding her. The energy inside their bodies were fighting with the evil power in their hearts, digging up their deepest fears and destroying them, while letting them remember their happier and joyful memories. The evil-powered people wept in tears of joy and left, leaving the stormy area sunny again. Clarisse smiled. Sunlight seeped into her body filling her with warmth. Happiness always defeats sadness. Always.