Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 12 | Page 201

The Dragon and Wang Wei Green Oasis School, Huang, Minnie – 9 M any years ago, in the burning old Shang Hai, there lived a young boy name Wang Wei. He is kind and everyone in the village like him. One day ,a women said there was a dragon and he always still the food and the water from our village .And it make them don’t have food to eat and water to drink. The king said, ‘if someone can kill the dragon, who can marry my daughter.’ So Wang Wei want to try, Wang Wei took the sword and ready to find the huge dragon. But he afraid the dragon was too strong and he will eat him. When Wang Wei arrived to the forest , there was a god, who name Yu Huang Da Di .Yu Huang Da Di asked, ‘why you pull a long face?’ Wang Wei answered, ‘I need to kill the huge dragon, because he still our food and water. Our king said if someone can kill the dragon, who can marry his daughter. But I am afraid the dragon was too strong and will eat me.’ ‘Don’t worry, I will give you a cloth. If you wear it, you can suddenly disappear.’ Said Yu Huang Da Di. When Yu Huang Da Di passed the cloth to Wang Wei, Wang Wei got it, Yu Huang Da Di disappear immediately. Wang Wei finally rest assured. When Wang Wei arrive to the bridge, because the dragon lived there, he walked down and found the dragon. The dragon was sleeping, Wang Wei waked him up. The dragon open his eyes and asked, ‘Why are you in my house?’ Wang Wi said, ‘I am Wang Wei, I need to kill you, because you still our food and water, it make us don’t have enough food and water, our king said if someone kill you, can marry his daughter. But I don’t want to kill you, but, you must first promise never still our food and water, then I will don’t kill you.’ ‘Ok then, said the dragon, I promise never and ever still the food and water from you village. But your king said if someone can kill you, can marry my daughter, the, it must me, what should I do.’ said the dragon. ‘I will give you a magic cloth, if you wear it, you can suddenly disappearing.’ Said Wang Wei. ‘Thank you!’ said the dragon happily. So, Wang Wei go home and feel rest assured. The next day, the king said, ‘Today morning I saw a dragon, and I decided to kill him.’ Wang Wei thought, why the dragon comes out of his home and wear no cloth? So, he with doubt and went to the dragon’s home. ‘Why you go out off your house and don’t wear the cloth?’ asked Wang Wei. ‘Today, I went outside to found food, but I forgot to wear the magical cloth. When I saw the king is looked at me, I run to my house immediately, but it was too late, the king saw me and I need to found a new house for me to live and I will never let anyone know where did I am living.’ answered the dragon. ‘I will tell the king you are nice and let him don’t kill you, don’t move to another place!’ yelled Wang Wei. ‘But you must success, if you failure, the king will kill you too! Ok, bye,’ said Wang Wei. And Wang Wei run as fast as he could to the king’s palace and find the king sir, please don’t kill the dragon, he promise never don’t still our water and food. Please, don’t kill him!’ said Wang Wei. ‘But he already still our food and water.’ The king shaken. ‘He promise never do it again, please, he will do something good.’ Said Wang Wei ‘I will think about it. But if he didn’t change his bad habits, then, I will kill you too.’ ‘Goodbye!.’ Said Wang Wei. Wang Wei ran to the dragon’s house and tell him. The king said if you promise, then he will don’t kill you. But you need to do something good to let everybody trust you. Let go to the village to see if something we could do. So, they walked to the village. At first, people don’t believed the dragon and was scared of him. But slowly, people start to like him and found out he was kind and helpful, they stop ran away and listen to what the dragon are saying helpful. Everyone was happy, the king was happy, too. The king’s daughter begaining to love Wang Wei and they get marryed. The dragon disappearing for ever, when anybody who need help for any moment, the dragon will appear and help him.