Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 12 | Page 162

“Changchang!” she yelled. Changchang snuggled back into her bed, imagining that she was floating on fluffy marshmallows. As she slid her ankle up, intense pain shot up her calves. Her eyes zapped open. “Chunhua… Where are we? ” she whispered. Chunhua choked, then spat out, “I don’t know.” Bang! Bang! Bang! A swarthy police officer in a khaki shirt shuffled in accompanied by a young lackey whose eyes darted around the room. “Who are you? Where are we?” Chang Chang demanded. The military officer barked, “I am Huang Jinrong. You may recognize me from when I investigated opium smuggling at the French Concession for your father. I need you guinea pigs to assist me.” “We’ll think about it,” Changchang firmly stated to buy time. “No, you will do it! ” Huang’s voice suddenly became icy. He started to chant, “Calagu...”over and over in a hypnotizing manner as he released them from their straps. Mesmerized, Chunhua and Changchang followed Huang into a small alcove with stairs ascending to a rusted boat shed behind the warehouse. Under the setting sun, fading into an array of yellow and orange, the girls sailed the concealed dinghy back to Shanghai Island. Having lived in the Governor’s house for many years, Chunhua and Changchang knew all the hidden trapdoors and passages. Hoping to sneak in unnoticed, they headed through a hidden door from the herb garden. Unluckily, the Governor spotted them creeping through the kitchen, where he was having a midnight snack with his wife. Chunhua disclosed their story, “ Daddy! Huang Jingrong is evil! He is using us to register the Great World as a licensed business!” Changchang blurted out, “Because the business is a front to sell an opium drug which controls the people who take it! He attempted it on us, but our special twin genes neutralized the poison!” Hearing this, Songmei asserted, “Master Huang is an honorable French Police Concession officer. This can’t be true!” The Governor’s eyebrows twitched as he pondered. He then beckoned his Aide, Tingan, into his private study. After five long minutes, the Governor announced, “Chunhua, Changchang, Tingan and I have discussed a plan. Tingan can pass as Chunhua; the only difference is that she doesn’t wear glasses, but she can use a dummy pair. Tingan will claim that Changchang betrayed her, so she can pretend to be on Huang’s side while gathering evidence.”