Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 12 | Page 135

The New Tales of Old Shanghai
Dulwich College Beijing , Feng , Phoenix – 11


arrived in Shanghai with nothing : no money , no food , and no outstanding talents . My only companion was my mother , a poor widow . Dizzy , we stumbled off the ship and onto the busy dock . The smell of freshly baked bread transported me back to the very moment when our long journey started .
Mum and I had been walking home from my German school and we stopped at the bakery , as we often went there to buy bread . Charlotte , the woman who owned the bakery , motioned for us to join her at the back of the store . She spoke in a soft whisper , “ We Jews are not safe . I have heard that terrible things are happening . There ’ s still time to flee , but not for long . Most of the countries are already refusing our entry . I have also heard the only way is Shanghai .” “ But , but that ’ s such a long way !” Mother exclaimed . “ I can ’ t imagine leaving our little town of Rothenburg and trying to survive in a big city like Shanghai , I just can ’ t take it .” “ It will be fine , Mother , at least we ’ ll be together ,” I said , trying to be positive .
Mother interrupted my thoughts . “ Hold my hand , Ester , I don ’ t want to lose you in the crowd .” Clutching her hand , I gaped at the wonderful sight . Shanghai was such a busy , bustling city ! Instead of tiny cottages , there were beautiful churches and brick houses . Sweet smells from the bakeries wafted in the air . People of all shapes and sizes walked along the wide streets , chatting and laughing . I was too busy admiring the buildings that I let go of mother ’ s hand and wandered off . “ Mum , this place is great !” Nobody answered . A chill went down my spine . She wasn ’ t there !
I started to panic . It was the first time this had ever happened ! I had never thought about what to do if I was alone in a big city like this one ! If I were still in Rothenburg , I would have walked home myself , but this is Shanghai . I was new to the city . Desperate , I spent the rest of the day searching for my mother . I looked everywhere : the nearby stores , restaurants and streets . I also tried to ask for help . There was no sign of Mum at all so I feared I would never see her ever again . I had to find a place to stay . I needed money . I had to find a job ! Where ? I walked into a wide street with brick houses on either side . I decided to start there .
Frantic , I started knocking on the doors of the houses , trying to ask if they needed someone to work for them . No one could understand what I was saying , so they shooed me out and slammed their doors shut . I finally found a family that could understand some of my German but they still refused like all the others . As I walked down the long road , I peered through a few glass windows and saw children my age with their fathers . It wasn ’ t fair at all . I never spent time with my dad . It was because my father died when I was born ; I never saw him . It ’ s not that bad because I never knew my dad , although I wish I did . I felt so alone , missing my mother and now my father too .
At one point , I stopped at a magnificent house near the end of the street , knocked on the wooden door and hoped that I could find a job there . A fat woman carrying a very large rolling pin opened the door . She was obviously the cook . “ Who are you and what do you want ?” her voice boomed down at me , making me very nervous but also very relieved because she spoke English , which I had learnt in my school . “ My name is Ester , are there any job offers here , Miss ?” I asked very politely . The woman shot me an icy glare . “ You are wasting my time ! Do you have any talents , Ester ? Because we don ’ t use untalented people in this house !” “ Well … I can cook and clean .” “ Well , I ’ m the cook and there are three maids in the house ! What else can you do ? Don ’ t tell me that is all you can do !” “ I can read just a little bit .”