Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 12 | Page 117

hesitant about the welcoming of our housefolk but Millie was bouncing around joyfully. Suddenly, Millie stopped and said, "Do you think they'll want to keep me too?" Her eyes were brimming with tears. "I was an orphan yearning for love but no one ever spared me any sympathy. Can I come with you?" she pleaded." You are most welcome!" Magpie and I meowed enthusiastically. We climbed hopefully across the fence into backyard, through an open window and landed in the living room. The popular song ' Ye Lai Xiang ' filled the air, “ Tuberose, I think about you… ” The lyrics were forever that sweet and warm. Melissa, who had never left, spotted us. "They're back!" she exclaimed with joy. “And with a new friend!" her Mom said airily. "These three little poor things looked so pathetic, how matted and filthy! I must give them a good wash. I suppose we could look after one more… " Millie purred happily and we nuzzled the affectionate lady in thanks, feeling truly blessed. Just then, warplanes glided overhead and released bombs onto the city. We all huddled close to our dear Melissa fearfully as we heard the sounds of red-brick buildings collapsing around us. The war had begun.