Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 12 | Page 435

Ming Ming heard constant walking between the wall and the moat. It didn’t feel good, so Ming Ming kept his body lying against the wall, so he could climb safely. When he heard swords being drawn, he felt death approaching. However, he did not hesitate to continue climbing up like a cat in the night, while holding onto his sword loosely. He descended, sprinting and leaping towards Uncle Shu’s house, checked everywhere, but there was no trace of where he was. He knew the second place they could be was the Temple, so he ran there as fast as he could. Then he saw his uncle. Uncle Shu was fairly pleased that Ming Ming was safe, whilst Jia Jia ran to him with tears of joy. Ming Ming then proceeded to him and said, “Wouko alert.” That was a phrase he must say when there are Wouko preparing to attack. Uncle Shu’s smile died out and it was replaced with a frown. Ming Ming heard people scream, so he darted towards the wall, and pulled out his glossy sword shimmering and gleaming in the sunlight. He saw a pirate charging towards a girl, thus he dashed to the rescue. He tried to help the girl dodge the attack, and started the fight. Forlornly, they both died, in the same spot and collapsed then… passed away. Jia Jia saw this, and burst into bitter tears. Uncle Shu walked towards her, comforting her all he could. “Why,” said Auntie An, “We lost a child.” She kneeled down, “Why, is this what you want?” The atrocious war had just begun, but it was all worse without Ming Ming. His sister rolled up like a ball at the floor. She quietly said, “I’ll have re….” She suddenly stopped. She looked at Ming Ming’s corpse beside the pirate’s corpse. She whispered, “I have to continue living, don’t I? For your sake.” Three years had gone past, she now has a peaceful, bigger home. She’s now married to a loving husband, has a cute pet cat that she found wandering around, and a small garden where she can relax peacefully. She learnt through the years that life isn’t perfect and revenge isn’t always the answer, that forgiveness is the best way to conquer anger.