Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 7

New Journeys to the West … of Dreamtopia
Creative Primary School , De ' eb , Isabella - 8

J ust how Xuanzang travelled to the West in search of enlightenment , I make similar journeys when I fall asleep every night . My journey takes me through a Dreamgate , to a faraway land called Dreamtopia . There is a magical book in Dreamtopia that can solve every sadness in our world . This book is protected by Angelena , the Princess of Light . Angelena also controls the Dreamgate which locks all the bad and evil out of Dreamtopia . Only those pure of heart can travel through it . As I start to dream , hundreds of little dream fairies carry me to the Dreamgate . When I reach it , Kiera the Queen of Fairies touches my cheek and lets me enter as I carry with me a pure heart . It was during one of these visits that I met the legendary Furious Five who are the defenders of Dreamtopia . They are Quattro the Four-Eyed Raven , Flamo the Fire Monkey , Piggy the Fattest Wing-blowing Pig , Zappi the Lightening Chick and Flexi , the Most Stretchable Snake in the West . The Furious Five told me that there was one person who holds the power to destroy the Dreamgate and capable of capturing the magical book , Devilena the Witch of Nightmares . She was not able to enter Dreamtopia as she carried with her an impure heart . This made her angry , jealous and lonely . However , Devilena discovered that if she stopped the children from visiting Dreamtopia , she could stop Angelena ’ s power , destroy the Dreamgate and capture the magical book . With a plan in mind , Devilena created a huge storm cloud around the Dreamgate so that the fairies got lost when carrying the children to Dreamtopia . She then created a tornado that sucked in Kiera and all her fairies . Quattro could see with his super four-eyes what Devilena was doing and told the other members of the Furious Five to travel to the Dreamgate to protect Dreamtopia . Quattro called on the power and goodness of cooperation to defeat Devilena . First , Piggy had to suck in as much air as he could and then blow back against the tornado with all his might until he could stop it from turning . Next , Flexi stretched and stretched to catch Kiera and all the fairies before they fell . Once the fairies were safe , Flamo and Zappi attacked the storm cloud . Every time Devilena tried to retaliate , Zappi zapped her with his lightening bolt . Meanwhile , Flamo created a massive fire which Piggy then blew into the storm clouds to burn them up . Eventually all the storm clouds disappeared and Dreamtopia was saved ! Angelina ’ s heart was restored and with it , the Dreamgate . Rather than banishing Devilena forever , Angelena made the next mission of the Furious Five to find Devilena and to see if they could convince her to return to Dreamtopia with a pure heart . . . but that is another story for another day .