Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 623

A Tale of Earth and Mars
Zhuhai International School , Zhao , Tianyuan - 10

I n the year of 3020 , in the beautiful city of Techville , It was a peaceful afternoon but then , a GIANT grey cloud SUDDENLY appeared out of nowhere , followed by a lot of grey flying discs , flying at

SUPERSONIC speed . 16-year-old Fred Hanlock was a cyborg . He got turned into a cyborg because of a fire . Most of his body was burned , but he got saved just in time . He and his best friends Ardy the robot ( Fred built him but gave him artificial intelligence ) and Katie Knowless . The light in the house SUDDENLY disappeared . Fred went outside to take a look at it but hat VERY SECOND his holophone displayed this hologram :” we are asking if anyone has seen this person : Jack Hanlock , he has been KIDNAPPED by some unknown people . The police are investigating . ” “ Jack Hanlock is my little brother ! He ’ s13 years old and lives in Washington DC which is not far from here ” Fred and his friends decided to look for Jack because they knew he could not rely on the police . They knew they were better than the police .” I have left a tracker on every family member so think I can track Jack down ” Fred said . Ardy started to pinpoint Jacks position on a HOLOGRAPHIC GLOBE . Ardy kept on pinpointing but nothing seems to work because jacks signal kept moving real fast around the globe . Jack ’ s red dot finally stopped moving , “ location in Mexico ,” said Ardy ” my hover can bring us there in a few hours , so let ’ s GET GOING !” The three friends hopped on Fred ’ s hover , in just a few hours they were in Mexico . Ardy had to hack into the kidnappers computer to find out who they were but all he could find was a few strange characters , Ardy was an excellent decipherer so he looked them up in his SUPER MEGA BRAIN which all list all the ciphers and all the languages from past to present . Nothing came out so he told Katie and Fred “ I think we are dealing with not humans but ALIENS !” Katie butted in and said some knowledge ” I read in a recent-new science book that there ALIENS have been spotted on mars by an astronaut called Ryan Blume .”” Then that means that there ’ s an ALIEN invasion Martians !”” This is bad !” Said Ardy , the red dot has led them to a giant stadium , ” this place is abandoned , according to my information , this place held the Olympics 50 years ago .” Said Fred ” how is this possible the red dot is telling us that we should be right on top of them .” They figured that the aliens had a underground base , so they went down into the sewers and tried to find Jack there , but all they found was d-i-s-a-p-p-o-i-n-t-m-e-n-t . But suddenly , Ardy disappeared ! He was leaning against the wall two seconds ago , Fred scanned the walls and said “ I am detecting high air levels and possible hollowness on that wall .” He pointed a finger on the wall Ardy was leaning on , Katie and Fred thought it was a secret passage . So they held on to each and touched the wall , a second later , they vanished too ! When they re- appeared , they were in a room full of gadgets and technology they never saw before ! They saw Ardy hiding in the corner , they quickly joined him as well ” Who are these guys ?” Asked Fred . The strange looking people in a distance were just SUPER WEIRD , they had : 3eyes , noses that make them look like pigs , green scaly skin and a few pink freckles . They saw Jack in the corner not moving for some reason , only his face could move , the aliens asked Jack who he was but he did not answer , the aliens said that they were sent here because there planet wanted to have a friendship with Earth , not start a war or anything . Jack used to work for the president of the united states , so Jack gave the aliens the contact information and they asked in a encrypt line “ dear Mr . President , we are here from planet Marsand want to say that our colony want ’ s to have a friendship with Earth , our president is going to come in a few months . ” And after a few months Earth and Mars were officially friend .