Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 622

The Magical Portal
Zhuhai International School , Wahl , Melody - 10

Once upon a time , there lived a little boy called Henry . One day , he was skipping beside a lake . He tripped and fell into it . He plummeted deep down into the lake , where nobody could hear him . He was terrified , but much to his surprise there was a magical planet beneath the lake . It was so colourful and so peaceful , Henry loved the silence . He felt perpetually happy in this spotless new planet . There were tiny fairies flying around , and so many different little creatures everywhere his eyes wandered ! Suddenly , a centaur appeared . He told Henry that if he jumps through the portal in this magical planet , he can return to the old world . If he jumps through the lake in the old world , he can return to this MAGICAL planet . By the time the sky turned dark , Henry had jumped through the portal and gone back home . After Henry had been travelling back and forth for a number of days , his mother started to suspect something was going on . She was curious about where Henry kept disappearing to . So one day , she followed him . She snuck behind Henry , then suddenly she saw him jump into the lake . Her heart stopped , as she feared for her son ’ s life . Without hesitation , she followed him with one great leap into the lake . She was desperate to save him . However , she found herself in an extremely strange , but magical , planet . “ MOM , what are you doing here ?” asked Henry . “ I was following you , because I wanted to know where you kept vanishing to ,” replied the mom . Henry convinced his mom to let him continue to visit this wonderful place . He also swore her to secrecy , not even allowing her to tell his dad . Then the centaur appeared again . Henry ’ s mom was so petrified , she fainted . Henry took his mother home and hoped that she will not remember a single thing . Later that night , while Henry was sleeping , he had a strange dream . In his dream , a bunch of villagers were following his mom to the portal and killing the centaurs . Henry was awoken by loud noises . He quickly ran to the window to investigate . He realised his dream had become reality . Henry ’ s mother had brought a bunch of villagers with weapons to the lake . Henry tried to stop them , but it was too late . The damage had already been done . Centaurs were killed and injured , the villagers were ruining the beautiful land . The portal closed up , and all the villagers went back to the village . Henry ran away from home . He ran and ran , until suddenly Henry ’ s foot became stuck in a large pile of rocks . Days had gone by , and no one had seen Henry . They feared he had died . When a centaur was searching he found Henry ’ s bag . He now knew where Henry was . The centaur rushed to Henry , and used his magical powers to move the massive pile of rocks . He brought Henry back to the village , but he remained still . A bunch of little fairies appeared . They circled around Henry , and he began to levitate . Henry opened his eyes “ the fairies saved him ” cried the villagers . That night they celebrated with a feast . All of the creatures living in the magic planet were invited . The villagers apologised to the centaurs and agreed to help them fix their magical planet . Months had gone by , and finally the magical planet was fixed . It couldn ’ t look any better ! The centaurs forgave the villagers , and the portal remains open always !