Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 620

The Smell
Zhuhai International School , Von Rosenstiel , Malena - 9

Once upon a time there was a dog called Annabel she loved inquiring , she belonged to Steffi who loved Annabel . Leo and Sissi where geckos , brother and sister , Sissi was the younger sister of Leo , they live in Zhuhai , Annabel and Steffi live in Germany . Once , Steffi took Annabel for a walk into the park near the zoo , as they walked through the park Annabel smelled a weird smell . It came from the zoo , Annabel was so curious that this night she decided to run away from home and check the new smell out . So she followed the smell which led her to the zoo . After she had searched through the zoo she realized the smell did not end in the zoo . Instead it led her to a car where the same smell came from before the car had taken an animal from the zoo , now it took the animal in the car to the airport . In the airplane she lost the smell so she hid under Mr . Dan ’ s seat . After the flight was over and all people had left the airplane Annabel smelled the weird smell again so she went out of the airplane . As fast as she could she followed the car with the animal inside it . Annabel for sure wanted to know what this smell was , so she jumped on the car , none of the humans knew . After they had a long ride behind them they stopped beside a rain forest . Quickly Annabel hid behind a bush . The men opened the car and a crocodile came outside . Then the men said , “ He will feel better here in China ““ yes “. So I am in China Annabel thought . After that the men left . Annabel followed the crocodile to make friends . The crocodile went into a little pond . Annabel stopped in front of the pond . Then she called “ Mr . Crocodile come out I want to be your friend “. And when she said that she leaned so far over the pond that she almost fell in . Then the CROCODILE jumped out of the water and tried to eat Annabel . Luckily , he failed . Scared Annabel jumped away . Then after the crocodile had gone back in the pond Annabel smelled almost the same smell but a little different .

So straight away she went to follow the new smell . After she had walked a lot she finally was at the point where the new smell stopped . She looked under the bush where the smell came from . Under there where two super cute geckos . ” Hi there “ Leo said ” Hi ” Annabel answered . “ I am Annabel ” Annabel said . “ Nice to meet you “ Sissi said . “ And I am Leo ” Leo said . “ I am Sissi Leo ’ s sister .” Together they slept at Sissi ’ s house . In the morning Annabel began to cry . “ What ’ s wrong “ Sissi asked . “ I miss home ” Annabel answered . “ We will bring you home .” Leo said . “ Really ” Annabel asked . “ Yes ” both answered . So Sissi and Leo helped her get out of the rain forest . Then they hid on the plane with her and back to Steffi . Steffi was really happy . Steffi kept Leo and Sissi as pets and they all lived happily ever after .