Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 616

Find the King Egg
Zhuhai International School , Liu , Yu Wen - 10

Along time ago , there are two rabbits , one is celled Emma and one is celled Jenny . One day they went in to the forest .

They saw a lot of trees and animals , but they saw the bird have one wing and lions have two tails , or some animals only have one eye . Emma and Jenny were excited , and Emma hears something behind them , and Emma tells Jenny “ hey … do you hear something behind us ?” “ Yes ….” Jenny said , “ 3 …. 2 …. 1 ….” they said “ turnaround ”, they shouted “ WOW you are so cute ” they said “ Oh My God is you are the monkey baby ?” Jenny ask , “ Yes , my name is Ben ”, monkey said . “ Why you ’ re not a monster ?” Jenny said “ There find a king egg ” Ben said “ Stop , who are you Ben , why you are here , does your parents know ?” Jenny asks “ Oh ! I am king ……… son ” Ben said . “ Oh my ” Jenny said . “ Come here ”, Ben said ‘ go where ?” Jenny said “ go to find my father ,” Ben said “ OK ” they said , so Jenny and Emma have one new friend and they went to see the king and ask the king what happened . Jenny and Emma want to find the egg too . They and Ben go to find egg . After one week . Jenny and Emma found the cave and it was dark , “ Emma do you want to jump in to this cave ?” Jenny asks . NO ! NO ! NO ! I don ’ t want to jump in ” Emma said , “ I have idea you can take a rope and if I jump in the cave and you tape the rope to me , if I have problem you can pull me up ,” Jenny said . “ Ok ”, Emma said . After few minutes Jenny was ready to go inside . “ ARE you ready ?” Emma asked . “ Yes !” Jenny said . “ OK ! LET GO !” Emma said . “ Ah !” Jenny shouted , Emma heard and take Jenny up then ask “ what happened inside ?” Jenny said “ In the cave I see the very big people are sleep and his hand have the 3 king eggs . Jenny and Emma went to find the king and tell about where his egg is . The king knows it and he told the moister and Jenny and Emma went to fight with very big people . First jenny and Emma walk quietly to the very big people and then they told the monster who can fly and he fly in to the cave . Jenny and Emma put the 3 eggs on the monster , but Jenny fell and then the very big people wake up with a noise . So , the other monster fought . Jenny and Emma are to small so they can ’ t fight , they just sat on the monster who can fly , Jenny saw some monsters are climbing a person but the person just hit the monster down . Emma told Jenny , “ look Ben is there !” Jenny said “ where ?” Emma said “ He is in the back !” some monster is dead . At important time Ben was at the top of a person , and he took a sword and put it in to the that persons heart . The very big person died . At the end the king was very thankful for Jenny and Emma can find his egg !